@Ginge said:
Is it a technical issue or a manpower-problem that is behind the pc-only decision?
at the time the basic decisions have been made the intel Macs have not even been suspected and the PPC have obviously been at a dead end (IBM did not issue the new PPC multi core processors to third parties)
on one hand the already known hunger for CPU power and forseeable road map for intel processors has affected this decision, on the other hand it was clear R&D cannot happen for 2 platforms simultaneously.
finally seeing apple also on intel this turned up to have been a wise decision and now it is as it is, fortunately no development resources have been wasted ...
further decisions about platforms will be made when time has come - any outlook is useless regarding apple's secret and fickle development policy - their road map is simply not calculatable.
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.