I suspect there isn't a commercially viable releasable product yet.
If it's too expensive and doesn't integrate with the DAW seamlessly - most users, I suspect, want single box solutions using plug-ins for their audio production - then will there be enough potential purchasers? I would guess that convolution reverbs have caused a huge reduction in the purchase of £10,000 Lexicon Reverbs.
Also if it's dedicated to the VSL sample as a programme source does that move it away from large scale studios to the type of production environment habitated by sample users bringing us full circle to " most users, I suspect, want single box solutions using plug-ins for their audio production" !
Also if it is PC only this may limit sales - without starting a mac/pc thread bringing a PC into a Mac environment may be a turn off for Mac based users (in the same way PC users having to buy a Mac based unit for a single function).
Still VSL should be applauded, and encouraged, for their development work in pushing forward the boundaries.