Ok, now that it seems like putting 16Gb into a G5 seems like a waste of money. And since I will use the vienna slave only for that purpose and mybe in the future other sample players like Gigastudio a server seems to me like the better sollution - and a little bit less expensive I think.
My idea of a future proof server would be one, where you can install 16 Gb in 4 Gb modules, wich would give me the option to upgrade at a later time to 32 Gb, wich should be enough. What I don't know is how the other hardware should be like in order to be as cost effective as possible but still enabling me to use the full power of the 16 Gigs and play many voices in fast speed at the same time.
To be more specific:
1) What about the motherboard? Herb's said his new Slave would be a supermicro. But what about Dell, or cheaper ones like pyramid? Can somebody give advice, who recently built the same thing?
2) What about the processor(s)? Herb's system was to be quad, but christian said Quads would be wasted money. I don't get that. And how many GHz /singl enough, or double?
3) What about HDs? Sata II, SCSI, SAS, Raptor ...? Raid, or not and if so, wich one?
4) Anything else, that could be important?
I'm going to spend a lot of money and I siply don't want to spend it on a system, that turns out to give only half the power. On the other end I neither want to spend money in the slave's power that never gets used...