I am ready to upgrade to the extended version (I think)!
Here's my question:
In the interface I can see the "Level 2" for Solo Viola, but I don't see any "Level 2" for Solo Violin.
What I am looking for is the Sustain without vibrato samples. The description says that it's included with the extended version which should be on the install DVD. I don't see it, though.
Any help?
Solo Strings VOL1
welcome moja,
ahead: it seems you have 3 accounts here ... shouldn't we merge them?
i can't check currently, but have you downloaded _and activated_ your demo mode #2 licenses (LCC: activate date license)?
please note no vsldaemon must run if you're accessing licenses on your key using one of the wizards.
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.