Hi All,
Finally had some free time to do some more learning on VSL. I chose to do a minute of the Phantom Menace track 6. This was done with SE and Special Brass. Just looking for some suggestions as I'm figuring all this out, balance is really difficult with big brass. I did some messing up of the strings so they wouldn't all play exactly together, but I think I did it wrong as it just sounds mushy (I probably need to apply more varied articulations and velocities to the strings also) and on the live recording of this track the strings actually sound really tight. Altiverb Mechanics Hall 11m for strings and ww's, 15m for brass and percussion, 92.5% reverb, wet to dry mix determined on a track by track basis. Generally vln I and cello are more dry than other strings, vln II and viola more wet then vln I and cello, but drier than woodwinds, brass more wet than woodwinds, etc.
Thanks guys, Brian