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  •  As always I really can't thank the normal players enough.

    I truly appreciate the help and input from all of you. I'll wait for the .zip file and go from there.

    Beat, please take your time and only post when convenient. After all this is a huge favor [:$]

    Hetoreyn, Just heard you address this question in your podcast. Wonderful wonderful [:O][:D] 

    I hope VSL pays you *nudge* *nudge*


    P.S. Loved the competition results! 

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    Hello Here are the promised files > a typical choir warmup phrase (level 1 mf) > a typical choir warmup phrase (level 2 f) > Miserere: Only the two sopranos (reverb = RoomWorks Cubase)

    Two more files where I used the Sopranos:

    BWV_11_Choral > Tenors and Basses > Hypersonic, Steinberg

    Weihnachtsfriede > PlayAlong without! the Leading Voice > Sopranos in the beginnin/ in the middl/ at the (sweet) end.

    Have fun


    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
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    @DG said:

    The problem with the legato is that it is far too bumpy to be able to play in real time. When used as a fast legato it works very well, but for slower moving legato it is a bit disappointing. However, the sustains are good, and I have used these on a few projects already.



    They absolutely need to come up with a "lighter legato" in the future, something less portamento, but when used sparingly it's still unique among all vocal samples.

  •  Good idea Guy.  I am trying to 'fake' this lighter legato now (using sop sustain samples and fiddling with release times, controller faders, etc. - but it just takes too much time and results are varying.


  • I sympathize, when using the leg perf I have to do a lot of fader "velocity" adjustments between the notes especially if the passage is more gentle, and that as well is time consuming and more or less satisfactory.

  • I found that the easiest way to "fix" this was to mixdown to audio and then draw the automation directly on the wave form. Trying to work in MIDI was useless, as I couldn't see exactly where the bumps were, which resulted in a lot of re-editing the velocity xFade information.


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    @Guy said:

    I sympathize, when using the leg perf I have to do a lot of fader "velocity" adjustments between the notes especially if the passage is more gentle, and that as well is time consuming and more or less satisfactory.

    Yes, I agree


    Lots of Track-Automation orders - 1/2 of them are diminuendos (not in the library)

    But I think the library is just what it is: a preview.

    I guess that Herb and his stuff fiddle around as well to get a product which shows the top - as we are used to get it from VSL.

    To day it is still impossible to create choir or solo singers with samples in my eyes.

    Consider, we are expecting singers who can speak English, German, Japanese, and all these languages while singing a melody.

    Sometimes vocals change from a to o in a legato-section but in the meantime we expect not to long legato-times, not to short legatos, a sad legato, a crescendo in the legato while changing from i to the Norwegian a in the meantime...

    Would you like to produce a Singer-Library?  

    I think that we still need to wait. Perhaps we can speak in a mic one day and - similar to the good old Vocoders - a computer will fit basic human samples to our voice-orders in a very natural way...

    But we are still in 2007. So the only decission we have to do:

    Shall I use current choir libraries? yes or no? If yes... All libraries are as they are today: A starting point.


    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • Hey guys,

    I'm thinking of getting the Sopranos.

    Has that bumpiness issue been resolved in the latest updates or is it still a problem?

  • Still a problem.  "someday" this library may be released but for now I have left it for other options.

  • I agree on that problem with the legato.  It is the result of the dissected transitions being too loud for the sustain target notes.  I have been layering the uu sustains with the ah legatos, or vice versa, and adjusting the levels within the pairs, though it is obviously not the best solution.  The reason this problem has not been fixed is probably that the entire choir library is going to be released sometime and they will just do it then.  It is amusing however, that even with this problem - the only really noticeable one in all the VSL library - they are still the best sampled sopranos available.

  • Thanks for clarifying!