Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • A bit of selfless shame promotion

    The Composer Collective wants you! Here are a few of the reasons to join: 1. Our members have access to a vast network of resources: Orchestrators, Synthestrators, Music Editors, Copyists, Mixing Engineers and others are now just a phonecall/email away! Supplied with your requirements and budget we can custom-tailor a team to meet all your needs -- at no additional cost to you. 2. Our members are notified of work opportunities as they arise: We provide job leads that are unique and in some cases, exclusive. Auditions are private and based on your previous work or spec demos. 3. As a member you have the opportunity to share in our 5% Finder's Fee Reward System. When you have a lead that you don't have the time or inclination to pursue, simply bring it to The Composer Collective -- we'll secure the job and you'll get 5% of the project's budget, for doing nothing! TO JOIN, simply log onto and sign up. If you have additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Matt Gates Co-Founder of The Composer Collective

  • Is this a non-profit organization?

  • Details of fees are given on a case by case basis but usually it is 5% of the creative fee, email me for more details if needed. Our goal is to help you secure work.

  • EDIT - O.K., never mind, it is none of my business. Maybe this is legitimate. Sorry, I will just keep quiet.

  • I wasn't aware you couldn't post something promoting your company; Certainly we aren't in direct competition with VSL. If the moderator(s) judge this posting to be against policy that's fine, delete at will. William, please refrain from posting responses to my messages. I thought we had agreed to such? This is the third time I have asked, this time publicly, to not reply to my posts, since they are INVARIABLY negative and often stoop to petty personal attacks (i.e wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pole). I no longer take offense to this personally since I notice you spread the same negativity toward practically everyone and everything on this forum. Here is a bit of advice for you though (I think I mentioned this before). It's very easy to see the negative in any aspect of life, if you so choose, and just as easy to see all the benefits; it's all a matter of PERSPECTIVE. If you want to remain an unpaid/underpaid composer, which you have claimed to be, you just need to continue with your current thought patterns. My assessment is that you consciously or unconsciously want this situation to continue. I'd strongly suggest counseling, or at least reading a book like this one:

  • Matt Gates - while I've always enjoyed listening to your 'pretty' music, you are WAY out of line here. It strikes me that some of you kids on this forum have been brought up in a very enclosed and mollycoddled environment. You need to learn to roll with it all, or otherwise, as life goes on, you're going to find taking on problems more and more difficult.

  • I'm not aware of the cacophony incursions which are eventual on daily bases. So please forgive me for interupting here. But I just Downloaded Willam Kersten's Symphony and am listening to it momentarily. What a masterful piece of work. I wish I have had the time to engage and listen to the masters that come before us. And pick up the essential fine points on how to achieve, thus eliminating a bordomed waist of time in which benefits all of us. William you can curse at me any time you wish. some people havn't figured out yet what the music buisness is all about yet. 100 million dollars will fruitful you a mere 100,000 thousand dollars after everyone gets paid. That won't even buy you a house nowdays. Anyone who has been down the road, with a mathematical brain can figure out a piece of work will remain forever and keep a name alive eternally. Kersten is such a loser he is in the midst of company as BACH / MOZART / BEETHOVEN / MALER / HOLST / Does anyone need anymore names of penniless loosers who never owned their own homes. I think William owns his house and is doing better than everyone else's pretentiousness. I cannot ever stop studying, for my mind will shut down with bordom. It's 2008 and no one on earth can explain why we use the 12 hour system on a watch. !

  • I never said he wasn't a great writer.  Just a simple request not to bash me personaly and take a moment to look at the few things I have presented here in a postive perspective.   I guess I should just take his critique for what's it worth and ignore the personal barbs. 

  • Matt I took his bashing. And became aware of my weakness. The more important fact here is : There is only one William Kersten. So he has the leverage to converse with anyone. Its everyone's opportunity to turn it around with intelect. That is not hard to do with one person only. But the working world makes us forget sometimes. Happy Hollidays to everyone !

  • thanks  RK.  Magates I am sorry if I came across too negative, and wish you good luck.

  • Thanks for that, Bill.

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    @PaulR said:

    Matt Gates - while I've always enjoyed listening to your 'pretty' music, you are WAY out of line here. It strikes me that some of you kids on this forum have been brought up in a very enclosed and mollycoddled environment. You need to learn to roll with it all, or otherwise, as life goes on, you're going to find taking on problems more and more difficult.

    Woa? What did I miss...

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    @PaulR said:

    Matt Gates - while I've always enjoyed listening to your 'pretty' music, you are WAY out of line here. It strikes me that some of you kids on this forum have been brought up in a very enclosed and mollycoddled environment. You need to learn to roll with it all, or otherwise, as life goes on, you're going to find taking on problems more and more difficult.

    Hmmm I remember someone being recently banned for being WAY out of line...who was it? Oh but that was on another forum... 😉

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    @Ivan P said:



    Hmmm I remember someone being recently banned for being WAY out of line...who was it? Oh but that was on another forum... 😉

    Yes- and once again the British press today and most of the rest of this country as a matter of fact, agrees with me being 'out of line' . Quel surprise! I don't even look at that forum anymore, and haven't done so since that incident, because I can't stand to be harangued by shaven headed toddlers that look like fetuses.

  • Hey William, did I hear you wrote a symphony? Wow, I gotta listen to that, that's a BIG accomplishment. Where can I download it?

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    Hi Guy

    Thanks for the interest - I would love to have you hear it. It is on

  • PaulP Paul moved this topic from Orchestration & Composition on