I run all my VIs except Harps in multiple VEs on a slave Mac Pro. I run Harps on my master computer, a G5 dual 2.5 GHz machine with 6.5 GB of RAM under Tiger on which I run DP in RTAS mode (I do this because I have a Digi HD Accel 3 system that won't fit in the Mac Pro). Recently I tried to record a Harp track in DP during a fairly extreme ritardando, and the pops and clicks made it unusable. I'm using the RTAS plug-in version of VI (1.12), which otherwise appears to be working fine.
Is this a known limitation of VI, i.e., that it's non-functional during tempo changes? Is it specific to the RTAS version of the plug-in? Would it be different if I were sequencing on the more powerful Mac Pro?