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  • Multiple VSE across several computers?


    I am new here and just bought the VSE for my Intel Mac. Wow! My question is - can I install the library on my other 3 PCs and if so what must I do regarding licences?

    Thanks for any help for my newbie question :)

    Wernher Pramschufer

  • Hey,

    I'm pretty sure you can't without buying a whole second VSE, they're incredible strict on side-licensing with the Vi products. It would be in a lot of cases [understandably] a case of 'One for me and all my friends'

    I can see both sides of this argument.


  • No - VSL will only allow the SE to run on a single machine.  I've asked.  Actually, I've just about begged for a second-license option for the SE (at reduced cost, of course).

    It's a terrible policy, IMHO, because it is a slap in the face to all of the loyal Opus 1/2 users.  We are now forced to bounce tracks when we never had to before.  So the "upgrade" to the SE requires an extreme slowdown in workflow.  Not much of an upgrade, really...

    The SE will supposedly work on a single machine, but who has actually done that for a full orchestral arrangement?  I can't get it to work.  Nor have I heard from anyone who is able to do so (the VE doesn't work when you try to use that many MIDI channels in a single instance, that's a problem specific to the SE because the Cube users never have that many MIDI channels per VE instance).

    So I'm still using Opus 1/2 with some SE thrown in here and there.  I'd love to use the SE only, but it doesn't appear that VSL will let that happen.


  • welcome Wernher, you can install it on as many computers you like, but you can run it only on the computer which has the ViennaKey with the license attached.


    modern computers are able to use a very large amount of memory and loading _every_ sample into RAM needs about 4 GB with the special edition.

    without trying to tell you how to organize your arrangements i wouldn't assume it is on one hand not needed to have everything loaded and even then you could on the other hand save a lot of memory using the optimize feature.



    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @cm said:

    you could on the other hand save a lot of memory using the optimize feature.


    Which is worse than bouncing because it takes as much time but still uses some RAM.

    And even if you get the MIDI working in the VE, I'm afraid I'll still need to bounce because I'll be trying to stream 50+ tracks through a single system bus (where I used three in the past).  Again, the Cube users don't have this problem because they have many fewer tracks/channels per machine, so their streaming requirements are greatly reduced.

    Come on, VSL!  It's a terrible policy!  [:@]


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    @cm said:

    you can install it on as many computers you like, but you can run it only on the computer which has the ViennaKey with the license attached.
    Hmm, this is very limiting. You offer the ability to purchase additional ViennaKeys, so why not give the SE owner the option of buying additional keys for multiple PCs? I was planning on buying this library, but unfortunately being limited to 1 PC is a deal breaker for me. It seems to me that this library is not viewed as a Pro library like the Cube, but rather an entry level library for the casual composer who doesn't have an elaborate setup.

  • to cite myself ... the _whole_ SE would almost fit on a computer with 4 GB RAM, which i would consider as eleborate setup - on no account a problem for a macPro or a 64bit windows machine.


    compared with the cube .... actually Solo Strings have about 50% more samples (and therefore need 50% more RAM) than the special edition ... and then there are still 9 collections left to be loaded ...


    issuing additional licenses for free is a no-go ... the only benefit would be to discover them a few months later on ebay, let's face it ...


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @Another User said:

    issuing additional licenses for free is a no-go ... the only benefit would be to discover them a few months later on ebay, let's face it ...
    Who said anything about issuing additional licenses for free? I'm happy to pay for additional licenses, just not at the cost of a full SE library. Aren't the ViennaKey's tied to specific libraries anyhow, so how could selling them on eBay benefit anyone not owning the library its licensed to?

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    @cm said:

    the _whole_ SE would almost fit on a computer with 4 GB RAM

    One has to wonder what is in the rest of the 80GB of required space.  And what of the SE+.  This exacerbates this problem even further.

    I would like to suggest in the future that you develop a key system where several vienna keys can coexist in a system (across multiple boxes on a shared network) that are paired to a master key.  So that unless the master key exists, none of the secondary keys work.  This would allow users to use the library in distributed systems.   The master key would still work by itself so one could do work in a portable environment as it works today.  But for larger systems this would alleviate the ebay problem with a multiple key system.

  • A440, of course 4 x 4 GB is more elaborate than 1 x 4 GB ;-) but i rather see the distributed setups (basically forced by limited memory for single machines) returning to concentration on as few as possible computers - this goes for both platforms.


    a viennaKey is (eg. like the steinberg key) just a container which can hold the licenses you download or transfer to it ... even if a key would be tied to a specific license you could anytime hand it out to someone else ... and: have you heard about torrent or other file sharing platforms? ;-)


    sorry, no discounted site licenses for the special edition available ... it is definitely too cheap for the value ...


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • dbudde, 80 GB is the uncompressed data size of all samples, but you are loading just a preload buffer into memory which is 64 KB per stereo sample - hope this clears it up.

    basically all network solutions (license servers) are cracked ... it is too easy to sniff and trace traffic on an ethernet port.


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Yes I am aware that there is streaming going on.  I was being somewhat facetious.  But nevetheless, it is quite clear you are losing business because of this issue.  I am not inclined to add the SE+ because of it.  For others, this issue is a deal breaker.  I am proposing one possible solution.  You can chosse to ignore it or not.  Your decision.  I really don't care. 

    With regard to network sniffing... what has that got to do with the issue?  Either your key system works or it doesn't.  A master/secondary key system will be just as effective as this one.

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    @cm said:

    sorry, no discounted site licenses for the special edition available ... it is definitely too cheap for the value ...
    Ok, understood. So, in order to use this library in a multiple PC setup, I would have to purchase another full copy of SE Standard and Extended for roughly $1000 for each additional PC. Is that correct?