Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • User Area RSS feed

    May I suggest that, in one of your abundant free moments at VSL,  you consider adding an RSS feed to the User Area that lists all the updates that are available.  

    This would complement the (currently somewhat out-of-date) listing in the Overview section, and alleviate the need I presently feel to visit the various parts of the User Area to see if there is there is a new VE release, or an update to one of my registered products, or a new tutorial video, or a new video with Paul and Herb showing off their latest quiet organs and loud shirts.

    Note that I'm not suggesting a feed that is tailored to my account, which would be more technically involved than a list of updates applicable to anyone.  But that would be nice too. [:)] 

  • thx for the heads up - i for myself have been mising the *recently added* for a long time now, but RSS would of course be the more modern way to implement this ... actually a tailored version shouldn't be too difficult, but i'd assume most RSS readers would not authenticate against the server which would be neccessary to provide a tailored list.


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @cm said:

    ... i'd assume most RSS readers would not authenticate against the server which would be neccessary to provide a tailored list

    Yes; in particular, web-based RSS readers might have trouble doing this. (I use Google Reader for most RSS reading, although I use Thunderbird for feeds requiring authentication.)