Upright Bass download version corrupted?
hi. last night i´ve just downloaded the new upright bass library. today i tried to install the package ... the licence was sucessfully installed to the dongle ... but library installer reports following error: "cannot read installation package (file is corrupted?)" the installation progress reports the error while "writing 101 Upright/Upright02.dat" i downloaded the "setup-upright02.cab" again - no change! same error ... ... repaired disk permissions, restarted - same error. system is G5 dual 2,0 | osx 10.5.1 | logic studio 8 ... any suggestions? thanks thomas
... just to bring it up to the list again: is anybody listening? did i bought a product that doesn´t work or did i do a mistake? t.
i'd assume the ..2.dat file originates from the 01.cab file ... so please re-download this one
btw: anyone knows what an MD5 hash is or would find it useful to display them to make sure the downloaded files are complete and intact?
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds. -
@cm said:
btw: anyone knows what an MD5 hash is or would find it useful to display them to make sure the downloaded files are complete and intact?
Here´s a freeware tool for Mac to create and compare MD5 checksums:
http://sourceforge.net lists 67 projects for MD5, http://versiontracker.com 14 for mac and 18 for windows
edit: MD5 hashes removed - displayed now on the download pages
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds. -
thanks for the MD5 hashes - list! that is helpfull to check the downloads (i´ve never heard about that before ...). btw, now it seems to be the cab09 file, which is corrupted (just downloading it again - but VSL server seems to be very slow at the moment). but, another strange experience happend before: before your MD5 tip i tried to reload the cab01+cab02 (because installer stopper while trying to open cab02). nothing changed ... i´ve transfered all stuff from the G5 to an intel.MAC (MBP) - than the installer stopped at cab10 ... now i KNOW the troublemaker is cab09 ... if all parts are complete (and checked by MD5) i will do an installation check with the G5 again ...
sorry for the speed issue, it is not in our area of influence - it seems one more time the peering point in frankfurt is the bottleneck (latency jumps from 7 to 600 ms)
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms (our IP)2 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms gi9-48.319.ccr01.vie01.atlas.cogentco.com []
3 7 ms 7 ms 7 ms te1-3.ccr01.muc01.atlas.cogentco.com []
4 7 ms 7 ms 7 ms gi14-0-0.core01.muc01.atlas.cogentco.com []
5 566 ms 530 ms 548 ms dtag-muc.peering.cogentco.com []
6 616 ms 643 ms 670 ms bs-ea1.BS.DE.net.DTAG.DE []
7 685 ms 579 ms 482 ms
8 550 ms 582 ms 611 ms (your IP)
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds. -
... got the last cab-file now - and now the checksum is ok. installation worked fine on both intel/PPC. - thanks again
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