Could somebody help me here. I just want to be very clear about the file saving features of Vienna Ensemble and Vienna Instruments together. (I’m using VE as a standalone on a separate computer.) I understand there are these different tiers or levels of saving capable:
- Save the whole VE project as a .viframe file.
- Just save the entire instance of a particular VI as a .fxp file - a preset. (or the parameters of a particular plugin also as an .fxp file)
- Just save an entire matrix inside a preset as a .matrix file.
If the answer is YES then I would assume that the only reason I would want to save something as a named preset or matrix is so I would have the ability to open it up in a new project or preset, using it as a building block for the new. Is this right?
If the answer to the first question is NO then what doesn’t get saved?
Of course one of the reasons I’m asking all this is I want to keep things as simple as possible. The whole thing is already wonderfully complex and multi-dimensional without having to think about all these file types. I’d rather just save a project file and be able to put it out of mind knowing everything will reappear when I open it back up, including plugin settings, whether named or unnamed. Then go save a preset or matrix only when I want to use it somewhere else.
Any added understanding or correction or further enlightenment about all this would be appreciated. Take a look at this diagram also and see if it looks right: (if it's too small to read just go here )