I just purchased the downloadable choir, it seems alot lower in volume than the other instruments that I own. Is this correct?
Vienna Choir - alot quiter
Hi , I´m quite new here , I´ve downloaded the Choir too and i have to say that the perf legati Patch is def. low volume......IN LOGIC ( i have Leopard installed ) ! In Cubase ....no Problem at all....full Power so to speak , but in Logic...really low Volume, all the Instruments. Have to figure out why......maybe a Problem with the Preferences ... Dezzo
Like I said, it's kinda loud... I am a Logic user as well and nothing wrong with my system, I work everyday so my system have to be healthy.
I suspect if you want it louder, try use velocity xfade and pull the control all the way up...if it's still soft then try next CC11 [expression]
The velocity zone [layer] dynamic is obvious, from quitet to really dynamic, so you probably playing in quiet zone