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  • I've also become even lazier with programming. I have a template in VE with App, Orch, Chamber and Solo for each instrument in the string section. All 4 elements are routed from the same MIDI track. Each has its own VST output. I automate the balance between the elements from this. I also have different portamentos set to different controllers so that I can have all, some or none in legato passages. My choice.


  • I agree that is a good idea on the layering of solo vn with App vns.  They are both molto espressivo sounding and reinforce each other beautifully. This would NOT happen if you layered Orch Violins, which would tend to "even out" the sound and make it less espress.   However I do not route one track to multiple destinations, because it is very good to mess up the timing. That adds immensely to the realism and oddly the feeling of espressivo.  Though I can understand how you would want to play them all from one track on a hurried job.

  • BTW, I wish there was a "Resources" folder for App strings with single layer instruments.  Those are very useful  for creating custom layers and crossfades that have very different timbres and are extremely CPU-friendly.  Also a fringe benefit is you can use mod wheel to control two cells like in velocity crossfade, but still have attack velocity for instant tweaking of the levels.

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    @William said:

    I agree that is a good idea on the layering of solo vn with App vns.  They are both molto espressivo sounding and reinforce each other beautifully. This would NOT happen if you layered Orch Violins, which would tend to "even out" the sound and make it less espress.   However I do not route one track to multiple destinations, because it is very good to mess up the timing. That adds immensely to the realism and oddly the feeling of espressivo.  Though I can understand how you would want to play them all from one track on a hurried job.

    Layering of Orch can work wonders to stop notes sticking out. too much vibrato gets to sound nauseating when done to excess.

    If something has to stay in the sample domain then I would play everything multiple times, and not even use copy/paste.


  • App Stgs II has now arrived. To install or not?


  • Can't resist any longer. [:)]


  • Mine will be here in about 2 hours.   2 hours and 5 mins I will be using them on this project.   Daryl - open that studio back up and install them!!!!!!!!   Let's us know you 'first impressions'  - I can't wait for 2 hours[:$]


  • Violin legato sounds good. Nice staccatos. Cellos legato is a bit bumpy. Also there is a rather strange attack to some of the notes. sfz is great. I need to alter my EQ template for Cellos as well, as the sound in octave 2 is a bit boomy. Cool arpeggios though.......! Not tried Violas and Basses yet. More later.....


  • Basses seem OK. Good dynamic range. I reeeeeeeeeeeeally like the Violas. Great sound. Well done guys and gals.

    I think I need to play with the Cellos more, as I'm not sure that there isn't an editing problem with some of the legato notes round about G3-Bb3. When others get the package installed, maybe they can chime in.


  • Found a few buzzes on the legato Violas. Try G4-Eb4 or G4-D4. Not sure what the buzz is. I don't think that it's part of the instrument sound.


  • Daryl - overall sound and quality? What are we talking here? ()()()()?

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    I think that the sound is pretty good; certainly of the quality of the rest of App Stgs. It is quite edgy, almost metallic at times, but this can easily be the case with sordino strings. This can be changed by selective EQ or the blunt instrument of using a touch of the filter.

    I always layer strings, and at the moment there isn't really this possibility in VI. However, with other careful layering with the semza strings, I'm sure that I can get away with it.


  • I've just spent an hour playing around with the Apass II strings... you guys have outdone yourselves with this one. The sounds are beautiful, and perfect for layering, especially if you want a warmer, thicker-sounding string section. They'll really fatten things up. The arpeggios are a nice treat too. Kerry

  • Let's hear some demos [<:o)] More demos!! [:D]


  • Mahlon,

    This is VERY unofficial.  A short simple little cue on this current feature using the APII's.   Mind you this is a writer draft - straight from my strings slave PC to the main Daw and roughly mixed to an mp3.   I used only a splash of Wizoo and NO EQ.  Still need to 'model' (controllers a bit more) but close enough for cue review and approval.

    I think APII is the REAL deal.   They will take well to EQ (as all of VSL).   Perhaps this cue - when finished and mixed will have a cut here and there on EQ of the sordino strings.   Let see.

    Thanks VSL for giving us such wonderful tools to realize what we 'hear'.


  • Sounding good to me.   I like the haunting chopin-esque quality.



  • Thanks Jay - really appreciated it.   This is an America filmaker who shot his 'indie' in Salsburg and Vienna.   All he told me is that he wanted the score - simple and 'European'.  I think Chopin was either Polish or born there - close enough Jay [:D] 


  • That sounds good, Rob. Thanks for posting. Nice writing, too!


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    @DG said:

    Violin legato sounds good. Nice staccatos. Cellos legato is a bit bumpy. Also there is a rather strange attack to some of the notes.


    I found the attacks to be a little strange as well. They came on too fast for my taste on slow passages. I had to go into the patch level and push the attacks up from 50 to about 62 to get them to smooth out some.