@DG said:
PS Safari problem is an Apple problem. If it bothers you, then use another browser. This bug is old news on this forum. Have a look at the Website section.
As much as I have tried at other times to defuse Mac vs. PC (quasi-religious) arguments when they have arisen on this forum, I must say that Mac users just seem to get blamed again and again for buying the wrong computer instead of "getting with the program" as dictated by Microsoft. Little is quite as edifying than listening, one more time, to someone using a contemptuous, bullying tone toward those whose choice of a computer OS is different from his (or her) own. How profoundly original it is to keep on beating the drum and blaring the trumpet for Microsoft. . . .
Maybe Safari is an "Apple problem" but, oddly, the problems with formatting that now occur here when using Safari just didn't occur here before the website was upgraded - - and don't occur on most other websites I frequent - - although many of them are websites that one wouldn't necessarily expect to be Safari or Apple friendly.
Here I use Firefox.
Since this site has so many participants - - and VSL has so many customers - - who use Macs and Safari, it would be pleasant if there were some way to make it work better for this, perhaps benighted, but not entirely insignificant, part of the customer base...
However, if you look carefully you'll see that nearly all the Mac vs. PC arguments are caused by the "quasi-religious" views of some Mac users. I couldn't care less what machine or operating system I use, and until around 4 years ago I was using Macs. I changed because the applications I wanted to use were faster and/or more reliable on PC, or in some cases non-existent on Mac. I defy you to find posts on this forum where anyone says that current Macs are bad, slow, legacy etc. but you'll find many that say this about PCs. Really that Mac 64bit thread was fairly ridiculous, and it seems no matter how much information is given, certain people don't want to believe it. You really need to get some glasses that are not rose tinted if you think that anyone here has beaten a drum for Microsoft. I can't find any such post, but surprise, surprise I can find loads that are beating a drum for Apple.
I would have preferred to stay with my Acorn computer, which at the time wiped the floor with both Windows and Mac OS. However, the applications that I chose to use were not released for Acorn so I had to change. Should I have stayed with my current hardware? No, it wasn't possible. Should I have stayed on Mac? No, that would be "quasi-religious" move, and would have hurt my business.
I really don't know why you've chosen to attack me in this thread. Julian asked for some information. I provided it. If you read his reply, you'll see that he attacked the Windows OS. Of course it was a joke, and I don't care one way or the other. However, I don't find anything contemptuous or bullying in my tone. Even if I was using a Mac to browse this forum (which may be the case from next month onwards), it would make no difference to my views.
Do I like Mac OS? For a few things, yes.
Do I like Windows? For a few things, yes.
Do I think that one is better than the other? For some things, yes.
Which one? It depends on what application I'm using.
I wouldn't normally bother answering these sort of posts, but when they become personal I think that I have to. You are welcome to think what you like. I don't care any more.