Man, and I thought I was done...
I have run into another problem It works absolutely great with the VE stand alone with 1 instance, but I can't run it this way with multiple instances. In fact, it seems VE won't take MIDI input from more than one instance. If you load one VE up, it'll react just fine MIDI wise. Load up another, and it won't respond to any MIDI input at all.
Currently I have 4 instances, with 4 IAC ports. Each instance has a seperate port selected. There are 4 multis in Logic, each with IAC 1,2,3, and 4 assigned to it. Also all the MIDI channels are selected corrently on both sides of Logic and VE.
So basically, the first instance responds no problems. The 2nd instance and on does not respond, even if you set the MIDI from the iAC to just your keyboard. It seems only the first VE instance works.
Btw, what I mean by stand alone instances, I mean copying each "Vienna Ensemble" application so I can have multiple ones open. I copied just the app that was in the folder, so if there's a correct way to do this (preferences, etc) please post it here.
I also wanted to state I use an IntelMac with OSX Leopard, and use an Apogee Ensemble for an audio interface (there may be a way to loop back the audio with just this?)
I'm routing audio with JackOSX, which only works with sound. That's all working properly.
I'm so close, can anyone comment?