My assumption is that the Software Library updates (not the Vienna or Ensemble players) for Windows/PPC/Intel produce the same updates to the actual library files so I can run the updater on a PPC computer then if my Library is on an external drive this will still read OK (with the updates) when used on an Intel Mac?
Also I notice there are newer updates to certain sections for example does the Woodwinds II update 07/11/02 contain the previous updates included on Woodwinds II 060817 or does it require that the previous update has been run.? I ask in the case of ever having to re-install libraries.
Library Updates PPC OK for Intel?
The last version, which is available for download, includes always all previous updates.
It doesn't matter if you've updated the library with earlier version or you use the update for the first time.
The results are identical.
As far as I know the updating software itself needs just the right OS system to run. If you move the updated library database to a different
OS afterwards, all library updates should stay correctly.