Hello All
Thinking out how best to buy the VSL. I have recently purchased the Special Edition (primarily for laptop use but also as a fairly cheap way of “trying out” the sounds). I am now thinking of how best to proceed.
Here is my dilemma:
My main aim is to get a reasonably comprehensive orchestral sound without buying any “extras” that I don’t need at the moment (but may in the future). I am learning to write Music for the Media, in particular I am interested in writing for film.
The Cube would cost me £2600 and give me 10 Virtual Instruments; this saves £242 over buying the 10 VIs separately.
But I am thinking that the minimum I need to buy in order to give me this reasonably comprehensive orchestral sound is just 5 VIs: Orchestral Strings I, Orchestral Strings II, Woodwinds I, Brass I and Percussion. I am correct is assuming this will give a good start? This comes to £1551 – still a lot of money, but a lot less than the full Cube.
So my questions are:
1) If you buy the Cube do you get anything extra than the £242 saving? In other words, what would I be missing by not buying the Cube?
2) Are the 5 VIs I mentioned enough to get me a “reasonably comprehensive orchestral sound”?
3) If I have more money to spend in the future, would I be better off buying the extended versions of the 5 VIs I listed above, or rather going for the 5 VIs I missed by not buying the Cube?
Thanks in advance
Tyrone Howe