I'm hoping that someone might be able to describe exactly how to set up VE for use as a standalone with Logic 8.
What kind of object would one create in Logic's environment to represent the VE standalone so that one could assign it to a track?
How would this object be connected?
I think I used to know how to do this with VI, but I have, apparently, become pretty rusty.
My aim is to run the standalone simultaneously with the plugin. I think I know how to do the audio part - - I've created an aggregate device consisting my MOU 2408 and Soundflower. I've set VE's audio outputs to channels 25-26 and designated these channels as input channels for an aux in Logic. No problem getting sound this way. The problem I'm having is getting MIDI to work and play back... I tried creating a multi-instrument and connecting it to IAC Port one on the Physical Input, setting VE to receive MIDI on IAC port 1, but no MIDI is transmitted to VE this way. VE responds only when it is set to Omni. No MIDI output during playback.....
I would be most appreciative of help.