Is there a link somewhere that discusses this "well known bug"? I have had immense problems with this forum since they changed the format both with Firefox and Safari. I have no problems in any other forum and I browse many of them. I rarely come here anymore because this forum is so messed up.@DG said:
This is a well known "bug" in Safari. Until (if) Apple fixes it, use an alternative browser.
Is there a link somewhere that discusses this "well known bug"? I have had immense problems with this forum since they changed the format both with Firefox and Safari. I have no problems in any other forum and I browse many of them. I rarely come here anymore because this forum is so messed up.@DG said:
This is a well known "bug" in Safari. Until (if) Apple fixes it, use an alternative browser.
Thanks. This is likely the same issue that Livejournal has with Safari. They simply disable rich text in Safari. But they also have an option to enable/disable auto-formating of html text. I'm guessing that the VSL forum has auto-formatting of html text disabled. I suspect if this were enabled then paragraphs and things would work better for Safari users.
confirmed - also opera is using the KJS engine (script interpreter),
the most probable reason i found so far is that KJS seems to limit the call stack to 100 entries (you don't need to know what that is except it is a limitation)
alternate solutions and workarounds are under investigation, but there is massively AJAX stuff involved so its becoming rather complex ...
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds. -
ThomasL gave a good tip here for Safari/Opera users here... insert <br> (HTML line break tag) in your text if you want to enter a new paragraph (or maybe two if there should be an empty line in between)
Only works as long as the TinyMCE editor is not loading up for you (because you'd not be editing your posts in HTML view then is my guess).
Is there any chance that the forums will become compatible with Safari soon?
It does get frustrating not having text formatting available. I have read all the issues and know there are some inconvenient ways round it but most (all) other forums I use are fine with Safari, and indeed VSL's forum used to be OK. I don't really want to start putting <
> thingummyjigs in the middle of my text plus launching another browser in the middle of writing a reply when you remember the forum doesn't work with Safari is also a nuisance.Given that VSL must have a much higher than average number of visitors using Safari (due to the software it produces) and the platform is expanding, unlike internet explorer it would be good to feel some effort was being made to resolve this. I just sort of feel that if there had been a similar issue for Windows users it would have been "fixed" long ago.
it is not so much an issue with safari but with the used render engine webkit resp. in detail with its javascript interpreter (same issue with chrome for the same reason)
admittedly the real problem is the framework of the used rich-text editor tynyMCE and - as you noticed - a series of web applications have this issue ... unfortunately the developers of tinyMCE seem to sleep since almost 2 years now ...
however - the update for the forum software is already waiting, just due to a high workload we have not been able to finalize styles and private messaging needs some more tests.
more unfortunately there is another issue with safari (and chrome) since both do not allow to set preferences for their cache and often display old content whereas the page has been updated (and marked as such) meanwhile .. this also leads to login errors from time to time (old data from the cache is sent) ... but again: this is not directly related to safari but the used webkit ...
not always the best idea with dynamic pages to let the browser decide what to display from the cache and what to request from the website - and ignore the http headers which explicitely tell the content has expired ...
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.