I am using VSL SE in DP5 on a G5 dual 1.8 with 3GB RAM with h/w buffer set to 128 samples and I am getting frequent CPU overload during record/playback. I just wanted to check if my performance seems normal or not.
For example, in a project with just 5 instances of VI with default SE matrix files assigned for orchestral Violin (1+2), Viola, Cello, Bass I am getting CPU at about 50% when idle and increasing to around 90% during playback (which means 'in the red' half the time with frequent CPU overload messages appearing).
(no other plugs or virtual instruments loaded and no audio recorded - just 5 midi tracks- 5 VI's)
In the above scenario activity monitor shows me I still have about 1/4 of my RAM free.
If I then optimise all the VI's (for a pretty short piece using very small percentage of the samples - just melodies in legato patches only) I can free up half my RAM. In this scenario CPU is still hovering around 70- 90% hitting red although there are fewer actual 'CPU overload' warnings.
Comparing VI with K2 it does seem very CPU hungry to me - I can load a comparable amount of sample content in 3 - 4 instances of K2 (16 instuments per instance) and not really have to worry too much .. certainly not if I keep the K2 instruments optimized ('update sample pool' feature).
I should add that I am very impressed with VI and SE- I am not complaining! ... and I realise my G5 spec is seriously limited and already behind the times even for a 'single mac studio setup' (I certainly never expected to be able to load up the whole collection at once!)
But it just seems to me that VI is pretty CPU hungry in itself even before content is even loaded - removing all content from the above project's VI's still causes CPU to hover areound 50-60% idle and hit red every couple of seconds during playback. Is that normal for 5 completely empty instances of VI ?
Any comments welcome! Thanks
G5 1.8 dual
DP 5.13 - in this example buffer at 128 (24bit /44.1)