Hello all together
Let me give some publicity to my tutorials.
You will find dozens of books which are explaining samples, effects, sample players and all the stuff
around producing music with samples.
You will find another dozens of books with theories about orchestration, mastering, audiomixing and so on.
But I personally didn't found a book, which produces a song/a piece of music from the first midi notes to a
final result - produced with samples.
Because I've soon got a lot of questions (how to mix, how to compress, how to play a violin, woodwinds...)
I started to write small tutorials to every theme. Once it was a huge, unclear and confusing collection
of tips and tricks "how to get music with samples".
I decided to write down all my experinces in one new tutorial. Further I selected two different pieces
for showing the way of a possible "music-with-sample-production". As a starting point I chose a midifile...
10 Steps
...on the midi-side (preparing the midifile / playing a music style with samples /
important things for simulate real sounding strings, woodwinds etc / working with the score etc.) lead to
an audio track (*.wav) for every instrument in this part of the tutorial.
10 Steps
... on the audio-side (collecting tracks / the questions of left and right / front and rear positions /
using effects / mastering steps etc) guide to the final this result: Händel Watermusic 10D
So this tutorial leads you as close as possible to the practice to useful results. The meaning is
that you should try to reproduce the steps. So you would be able to compare your results
with mines. This tutorial does not require a certain software. It only shows: "With this step
you sould get this result"... So it works even if you use LOGIC, Cubase, Sonar, HALion...
If you don't want to reproduce the midi part for example you can import all the included wave files
(which were produced with the midi part) of every single instrument in your mixer. Follow
then the audio steps. If you don't have necessary effects:
The tutorial has a lot of freeware effects included or there are links for dowloading them
in the net (for MAC and WIN user).
The tutorial is written in html. So you will be able to listen to music examples etc. ... This tutorial
comes as a website so to say.
And finally I added important things which are belonging to the corresponding steps (as
side information). Example: One of the piece is an Andante > Side Information:
All about tempo (terms, tables with tempo-ranges etc.).
This tutorial (divided into two parts) is not the Holy Bible but it shows some ways how to get
good results. It contains my experinces with samples from 2001/2 (Garritan/Siedlajek) and those
of midi and synthesizer music since 1975.
All the best
Beat Kaufmann