Activate the IAC driver in Audio MIDI Setup. Do this by double clicking on the IAC driver. A dialog box will appear. Make sure that "Device is online" is checked. Creat the requisite number of ports (each port is capable of 16 channels). Once you've done this, DP will see the IAC ports as another MIDI interface and you can choose them as MIDI outputs. Then you assign the IAC port and channel in VE so that it receives the MIDI data from VE.
I don't recommend SoundFlower as, every time I've tried it, I've gotten random artifacts (clicks and pops) during playback. If you have an interface such as those made by RME that has the requisite software, you can connect any input to any output and use it (the RME or equivalent audio interface) as the output device. If you have a interface such as the MOTU 2408 which does not currently have such software but does have 3 ADAT inputs and outputs, you can run a short fiber optic cable from Bank C's ADAT output to Bank B's ADAT input. Then assign each instance of VE's to output on a Bank C stereo pair (e.g. assign the first output to channels 17-18. etc.).Then create an AUX channel in DP, assign its Input to channels 9-10 and its outputs to channels 1-2. Thus the audio signal will be sent back into DP allowing you to use whatever signal processing is available within DP. I am currently using this setup without any problems. If your MOTU 2408's ADAT Inputs and Outputs are already occupied, you can purchase a 2408 I/O Expansion unit (the PCI 424 card allows for 4 I/O units).