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  • Stevesong - the silence after your post, is quite funny, and telling of the situation isn't it! Look number one, we all support the VSL team in their wonderful effort of this tool that is something I think the whole world can be proud of... it's really an achievement. Naturally us mac users want to be equally respected on the political spectrum when it comes to development and perhaps some of us are hypersensitive to this issue as we do most of us resent the fact that windows dictates the political situation for mac users too often, because it is a legacy item as far as we are concerned. But that says nothing against VSL or the practical business decisions they need to make. We do want equal release quality and timing for Mac versions, and we hope that the continued growth in Mac market share especially in music, will continue so that as a platform it will become "less" costly per unit sold to develop for when having to port from windows... so we an all be glad of that. Miklos.

  • i'd say it has become quiet because everything has already been said ... several times actually. not windows dictates a political situation, but C++ dictates development. same reason why there is no option to use the .NET framework or C#. less cost per unit would be nice, but not for any price - performance rules. give us the tools, we give you the applications.


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  •  Christian:

    I really did hope that everyone was taking a deep breath, but now I'm not sure what your most recent post means in practical terms. It is, after all Apple's decision regarding Carbon that seems to be the source of your frustaration - - a decision over which people who use Macs had no knowledge, influence or control. (I'm sure if they'd known this decision would cause enormous frustration to developers whose products are important to them, they would have voted against it overwhelmingly.)  Most of your customers, I'd guess, are musicians who, as much as they know about music, may have little understanding of the programming issues that have currently frustrated you. What they do know is that they thought highly enough of VSL to make significant investments in its products. Those of your customers who use Macs simply want to be assured that VSL  is committed to continued development of OSX versions of these products that have - - or will have - - functional parity with Windows versions. In other words, right now, they want to know if VSL is still committed to releasing a 64 bit version Vienna Ensemble for OS X. This question is, I believe, worthy of a direct answer.

  • I think our newsletter three weeks ago was quite clear.

    Quoting the last feature of this newsletter:

    "Mac version: 32-bit for Mac PPC and Intel, 64-bit version coming soon"



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    @stevesong said:



    In other words, right now, they want to know if VSL is still committed to releasing a 64 bit version Vienna Ensemble for OS X. This question is, I believe, worthy of a direct answer.




    I think the original question was more focused on "when" it was going to be released (ie: time frame for an actual release date). The question of "if" it would be made seemed to be a question of doubt that challenged previous official announcements that the 64-bit version would come soon.



    Herb, Christian:


    If anything positive can be taken away from this thread, I hope that you and the entire VSL team realize what "monsters" you've created of your customers, including me! You've made a great product that promises to get better, so anticipation for additional greatness is to be expected.


    I can think of worse problems to have!!

  •  Herb:

    Thanks very much for reiterating VSL's original statement regarding this issue.

    Sometimes a discussion can go off on a tangent that leads to confusion regarding basic issues. As I said earlier, most VSL customers likely have little knowledge of the technical issues involved or appreciation of the kinds of justified frustration a developer might feel when confronted by decisions by companies like Apple and/or Microsoft that throw a monkey wrench into their work. In other words, they probably have little first hand knowdelge of what terms like "Carbon," Cocoa," "C++," "Objective C," "C#," etc. actually mean - - other than what can be gleaned from advertising copy or superficial press reports. For Mac users, what they may have heard - - if they paid any attention at all to these things - - is that Cocoa is "cool," and Carbon "belongs to the past." As I also said previously, I think it safe to assume that, if Mac users had known that Apple's abandonment of a 64 bit version of Carbon (which was included in some earlier seeds of OS 10.5) would present a significant problem to developers whose products they depend on, they would have voted, overwhelmingly, against this decision. (Not necessarily because they had a serious grasp of the technical issues involved, but because they simply would have wanted development of products important to them to proceed without difficulty.) 

    In observing the intensity of feeling among Mac users, one has to take into account that they have often had the experience of being treated (not by VSL!!!) as second class citizens. There are still, for example, quite a number of websites that can be accessed only by Internet Explorer running on a PC, unfulfilled promises from developers that OS X versions of their software were in development and planned for release - - statements from some companies implying that Mac users have simply purchased the "wrong" computer and ought to "get with the program" as dictated by Microsoft. Given this experience, it is not entirely surprsing that some Mac users may have their suspicions easily aroused - - even when such suspicion is not justified by the facts.

    We are all grateful that VSL exists and that it carries on its tradition of excellence, creativity and disciplined craft in a world where commitment to anything other than "fast money" is increasingly rare. 

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    @stevesong said:

    even when such suspicion is not justified by the facts.
    Well, just regarding VE, I would say there were (and still are) some hard facts: VE Mac wasn't available the same day as the Windows version; when it came out it was a beta; and the 64-bit version is not available yet and there are no precise release date at this point ("coming soon" doesn't mean anything to me as a client and user, it is completely relative.)

    Then, you can basically read from one of the main developer that the Mac sucks as a development platform, that Apple sucks and that the Mac users are basically morons (I mean, come on, we're all buying computers which are freakingly expensive, have a shorter life expectancy than Windows PCs, and are harder to develop for! What is wrong with us!?).

    Sorry if I believe my reaction was at least half-justified.


    ps.Oh, and their forum doesn't work properly under Safari 😉

  •  Jerome:

    Right now I am running significantly over 3GB of samples on two standalone instances of VE on my G5 (with two instances of Altiverb 6) and they are all playing without incident. So, even without a 64 bit version of VE, one can achieve a lot.  (The fact that this works so well has inspired me to order that last GB of RAM for my G5 - - currently equipped with "only" 7GB.)

    The fact that a 64 bit version of VE was not available on the same day as the Windows version seems mostly - - or, no doubt, entirely - - the result of the fact that Apple discontinued the 64 bit version of Carbon about 3 months before the release of OS 10.5 - - after announcing at the 2006 World Wide Developers Conference that they would continue its development and including it in early seeds of OS 10.5 given to developers.

    This is simply a fact with inevitable practical consequences. Developers who believed what Apple told them have been suddenly thrust into the position of having to rewrite their software in accordance with Apple's recent decision on this matter. You might notice that MOTU has not announced a 64 bit version of Digital Performer (Mac only), that Apple did not release a 64 bit version of Logic 8, that it will likely be years before Photoshop and MS/Office are available in OSX 64 bit versions. Even, as I pointed out earlier in this thread, ShirtPocket software (a Mac only developer) has not yet released a Leopard compatible version of SuperDuper - - a back up program relied upon by many Mac users. Many of the delays in releasing 64 bit versions of OS X versions of software are directly attributable to Apple's decision to abandon Carbon. I very strongly suggest that you read the article I suggested in an earlier posting - - found at:

    The writer of the article of the article, John Siracusa, is a Mac programmer who thinks that Apple's decsion on this issue will be proven correct in the long run, but is acutely aware that Apple's decision to abandon Carbon has had and will have a predictably negative practical impact (for a while, at least) on many developers. Read the article!!!

    If the folks at VSL say they are committed to release of an OSX compatible 64 bit version of Vienna Ensemble, I believe them - - and I don't think it's their fault that they could not release such a version "on the same day" as the Windows version. I think you might also forgive Christian's frustration with Apple's decision, since he is one of those taken by surprise and someone who works daily in the salt mines of programming. 

    I think we should all stay friends. 


    P.S. I'm using FireFox 

  • My question is to christian then, answer me this if you will, given a level playing field, and no variables such as learning curve and so on, and given a scenario where you could choose either mac or PC as a development platform, as a tool, in terms of performance, what is the superior development platform - Cocoa (not carbon) or C++ under windows.? Second, I remove myself from that monster statement, this is a strong discussion but I wouldn't even consider it a heated one - we can all have our opinions and within that educate each other where one or the other is either mis informed or ignorant of certain facts. Herb you are quite right the development of 64bit OS X version is quite clear. For my own part, I simply entered this discussion more to press a button regarding the political leanings regarding windows development. For my part, I don't like windows, I think it is an inferior system by far, in any flavour compared to OS X or Linux and I say that with NO critisism of VSL or christians work - more a broader statement, I wish that windows did not hamper development of modern platforms. I consider windows a legacy item at work and elsewhere, that the world now has to deal with because of it's legacy stranglehold on the world that was there by intention and design from the start (in my opinion). If it were not for that, and people were free to move to other systems that suited them, I think both OSX and various forms of linux (which would have much more innovative development if not for the windows stifling of innovation for many years and apples self created woes) would now be the dominant platform, with windows reserved for grandmas on Win98 using outlook for emails... he he. Seriously windows is not the great gamers platform by any means, it's only because it is the dominant platform and for other systems gaming comes last as a matter of necessity. Should linux and osx become and stronger market share, they would have the better gaming performance than windows by necessity. This isn't about mac versus windows, it's about the stifling of innovation - so when somebody says windows is superior and mac costs more money to develop for "as though" it is inferior, I feel the need to say a few words. Apple is by no means a shining light but compared to windows, they have developed an operating system light years ahead of it. The legacy item here is windows... in my opinion. But I wait for christians opinion as well to my question at the top of the post... By the way I am using safari which is why my posts are not formatted since safari has a bug with this forum. Miklos.

  •  All this arguing about Mac vs. Windows, no doubt, reflects all kinds of things regarding the state of the world, the sociol-economic factors that may have led to the dominance of Microsoft (not, originally, of Windows) in the corporate computing world, etc. etc., usw.

    On the other hand, here on this forum, I am reminded of a story told to me by a couple who are my friends. For the sake of their privacy, I’ll refer to them as Jane and John.

    One evening Jane and John found themselves in the midst of one of those heated, intractable arguments that couples sometimes get into. Each was certain of her or his own righteousness, possessed by a sense of cosmic injury and convinced of the utter impossibility of it all. So they decided to sleep in separate rooms. But Jane and John also had a dog, fortuitously named Puck (his real name), after the imp of English folklore and Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream.

    Long experience had taught Puck that it was a serious error for any reasonable dog to overestimate human intelligence. So, he decided to take action. He went to John’s room and barked, then to Jane’s room and barked some more. Both told him to be quiet, but he paid no heed to their commands and continued barking, more and more loudly at each of them in turn - - just as he had refused to remain silent when he was scolded for trying to advise them that they'd left a pot burning on the stove or, on another occasion, warn them that a bear was ransacking their car outside their cabin in the north woods.  Eventually, as on those previous occasions, they caught on. Each began to laugh and heard the other’s laughter, got out of bed, met in the hallway, hugged, said they were sorry and went to sleep in the same bed. Puck wagged his tail, happy that his intervention had worked.

  • jerome, a tiny correction: i'm not one of the main developers, i'm only managing IT and some support. of course this often implies requests from and communication to the developers.

    miklos, i'd like to give an answer to another question which is IMHO more to the point: i'm considering a framework to be not the ideal tool for developing applications having their main focus on performance. as some might have already read above: this applies to all platforms.

    steve, your posts seem to be the real essence of this thread ;-)


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @stevesong said:

    The fact that a 64 bit version of VE was not available on the same day as the Windows version seems mostly - - or, no doubt, entirely - - the result of the fact that Apple discontinued the 64 bit version of Carbon about 3 months before the release of OS 10.5

    Read my last post again - I was not talking about the non-release of VE 64-bit on the same day than the Windows version. I was talking about the 32-bit Mac version which was *not* released on the same day than the Windows 32-bit version, and when it did, it was as a *beta*. J.

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    @Jerome said:

    Read my last post again - I was not talking about the non-release of VE 64-bit on the same day than the Windows version. I was talking about the 32-bit Mac version which was *not* released on the same day than the Windows 32-bit version, and when it did, it was as a *beta*. J

    I've read your post several times. The fact is that the delay was so short I don't remember it and that VE currently works well on Macs. May I suggest that you read the Ars Technica article I cited - - and the story of my friends' dog Puck....... 

  • I'm interested in giving this a try.  Assuming one can get Soundflower working properly (haven't used it yet), how is one routing MIDI from, say, DP to a standalone instance of VE?


  • Silly question?  Will open standalone instances of VE simply publish their MIDI inputs to DP?


  • Activate the IAC driver in Audio MIDI Setup. Do this by double clicking on the IAC driver. A dialog box will appear. Make sure that "Device is online" is checked. Creat the requisite number of ports (each port is capable of 16 channels). Once you've done this, DP will see the IAC ports as another MIDI interface and you can choose them as MIDI outputs. Then you assign the IAC port and channel in VE so that it receives the MIDI data from VE.

    I don't recommend SoundFlower as, every time I've tried it, I've gotten random artifacts (clicks and pops) during playback. If you have an interface such as those made by RME that has the requisite software, you can connect any input to any output and use it (the RME or equivalent audio interface) as the output device. If you have a interface such as the MOTU 2408 which does not currently have such software but does have 3 ADAT inputs and outputs, you can run a short fiber optic cable from Bank C's ADAT output to Bank B's ADAT input. Then assign each instance of VE's to output on a Bank C stereo pair (e.g. assign the first output to channels 17-18. etc.).Then create an AUX channel in DP, assign its Input to channels 9-10 and its outputs to channels 1-2. Thus the audio signal will be sent back into DP allowing you to use whatever signal processing is available within DP. I am currently using this setup without any problems. If your MOTU 2408's ADAT Inputs and Outputs are already occupied, you can purchase a 2408 I/O Expansion unit (the PCI 424 card allows for 4 I/O units). 

  • Thanks, that's great information!

    I use a MOTU 828 Mk2 which I gather will allow me to use lightpipe cable to route up to 4 stereo pairs out of and back into the mac, which assuming stereo outs would be enough for 4 instances of VE.  The digital ins and outs are lying fallow now anyway.



  • Chuck: 

    Glad I could be helpful. Keep us updated on how things work. If at some point you want to try using a software "audio pipe," some people report getting good results with the freeware application Jack OS X, but it's a lot more complicated than SoundFlower.

    Good luck,


  • Thanks Christian, you have answered my question, and that does make sense. I will do some more research into this when I have a moment, as I'm interested also. I suppose if a framework can give you more flexible options in as far as programming for hardware, it can potentially be more efficient performance wise. Thanks for being so up front, candid and honest here on the public forum, it's just another reason why VSL is such a superb company, and I apologise for any pressure however small - I admit do have an issue with windows, and it IS personal.... I put up with it every day at work, I get called in on my days off to deal with it all the time, sometimes more than once. I do not like it at all. If I could run only mac osx, then 99% of my IT problems would absolutely disappear. Currently I run everything on mac osx at work, with the exception of some windows apps that we need front of house, so you see, I'm in a somewhat opposite position to you - where windows is really the costly backwards pain in the butt legacy item and if not for those legacy apps that I cannot get re-written, I would never touch it again. I've come to understand IT and development concepts better than the average bear just by the virtue of the fact that I have had to troubleshoot so much at work over the years. If carbon offers more flexibility to programmers to access performance features of the hardware, then it would certainly be a mistake of apples to not push forward and do the hard work on turning it into a 64bit platform, however, perhaps it is a fair question to ask you - you have answered in a generalised form - can you say that your answer is true specifically of cocoa? I mean, apples frameworks are frameworks but, they are frameworks that are very thin and efficiently and tightly tied to the system and hardware are they not? at least for the most part - I would assume that the intention of such frameworks is simply to offer the developers a more simple environment to develop in while doing all the hard work of performance enhancements and efficiency for them (out of the box). Is that true of cocoa? Miklos.

  • miklos, i understand it would be nice to keep a process within only one platform - however this is not possible in many cases and one has to pay attention to specific behaviour (eg. character sets). too many proprietary features make it sometimes expensive to find the common denominator.


    frameworks are basically a good idea to speed up development of applications - they provide a large range of prepared elements the programmer doesn't need to *re-invent* (simple examples are selectboxes, on-click events, menu trees, ect). however they are only of little use if it comes to individual elments and an existing codebase. and they are of no or almost no use if they don't allow to compile the application for all needed destination platforms.


    as far as i know cocoa does not allow to compile win32/win64 applications and only a former version of visual studio allowed to compile mac versions (and i'd assume also not for leopard because of the same reason QT does not currently).

    but all this goes much too far into speculation because the guys who have to sort the bytes know best what to use how and when, all that i know (and is commonly known) is, that currently it does not work and a few, but essencial, reasons for.


    someone who is exclusively developing for mac might be well served by xcode/cocoa, someone developing exclusively for windows might choose visual studio - for the latter and the .NET framework i know it works well for web or more generic applications, but the result lacks performance when high performance client solutions are needed.


    it's that simple, resp. it's not that simple ;-)


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.