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  • Waiting for new version of Vienna Ensemble for Mac


    I read a lot of posts from people having trouble with VE version 2.0 + Logic 7.2.3 + OSX 10.4. I read also that VSL is investigating the problems and a new version will be here very soon. 

    I cannot use the plug in version in Logic 7 at this moment because it will not load, Logic hangs and VE will not connect. So I am still waiting for the working version.

    Will this new version be out within days, weeks, months? How soon is soon. I would like to know something.. 



  • I just attempted using VE V.2.0 with Logic 7.2.3. I opened the Standalone first - - then quit it. With this procedure, VE goes through the license scanning process and this process does not have to be  repeated uring AU validation - - or until the computer is rebooted. I then opened Logic 7.2.3. Since an earlier version of VE had crashed validation, Logic did not attempt validation. I then opened Logic's AU Manager and asked it to rescan VE. VE passed validation and now works as a plugin within Logic 7.2.3 Below is the report generated by Logic's AU Manager. I hope this is helpful.

    Dual 25GHz G5
    7GB RAM
    OS 10.4.10
    MOTU 2408 mk.3

      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
             AU Validation Tool
             Version: 1.2.0a11
             Copyright 2003-2007, Apple, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

             Specify -h (-help) for command options
      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Manufacturer String: VSL
    AudioUnit name: Vienna Ensemble
    Component Info: Vienna Symphonic Library Ensemble AU
    Component Version: 2.0.0 (0x20000)
    Component's Bundle Version: 2.0.0

    * * PASS
    JUCE v1.44
    Time to open AudioUnit:         4664.349 ms
    Time to open AudioUnit:         2305.465  ms
    Time for initialization:        0.140 ms

    * * PASS
    Input Scope Bus Configuration:
     Default Bus Count:0

    Output Scope Bus Configuration:
     Default Bus Count:16
        Format Bus 0: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  2 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x0000002B) 32-bit big-endian float, deinterleaved
        Format Bus 1: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  2 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x0000002B) 32-bit big-endian float, deinterleaved
        Format Bus 2: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  2 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x0000002B) 32-bit big-endian float, deinterleaved
        Format Bus 3: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  2 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x0000002B) 32-bit big-endian float, deinterleaved
        Format Bus 4: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  2 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x0000002B) 32-bit big-endian float, deinterleaved
        Format Bus 5: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  2 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x0000002B) 32-bit big-endian float, deinterleaved
        Format Bus 6: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  2 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x0000002B) 32-bit big-endian float, deinterleaved
        Format Bus 7: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  2 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x0000002B) 32-bit big-endian float, deinterleaved
        Format Bus 8: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  2 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x0000002B) 32-bit big-endian float, deinterleaved
        Format Bus 9: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  2 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x0000002B) 32-bit big-endian float, deinterleaved
        Format Bus 10: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  2 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x0000002B) 32-bit big-endian float, deinterleaved
        Format Bus 11: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  2 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x0000002B) 32-bit big-endian float, deinterleaved
        Format Bus 12: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  2 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x0000002B) 32-bit big-endian float, deinterleaved
        Format Bus 13: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  2 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x0000002B) 32-bit big-endian float, deinterleaved
        Format Bus 14: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  2 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x0000002B) 32-bit big-endian float, deinterleaved
        Format Bus 15: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  2 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x0000002B) 32-bit big-endian float, deinterleaved

    * * PASS
      VERIFYING PROPERTY: Stream Format
      VERIFYING PROPERTY: Maximum Frames Per Slice
      VERIFYING PROPERTY: Last Render Error
      VERIFYING PROPERTY: Instrument Count

    * * PASS

    * * PASS
      VERIFYING PROPERTY Supported Number of Channels
      VERIFYING PROPERTY Host Callbacks

    * * PASS

    Carbon View Components Available: 1
      auvw VSLE VSLE  -  VSL: Vienna Ensemble

    Cocoa Views Available: 0



    * * PASS

    * * PASS

    Reported Channel Capabilities (explicit):
          [0, 2] 

    No Input, Output Chans:

    * * PASS
    Output Format: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  2 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x0000002B) 32-bit big-endian float, deinterleaved
    Render Test at 512 frames
    Slicing Render Test at 64 frames

    Render Test at 64 frames, sample rate: 22050 Hz
    Render Test at 137 frames, sample rate: 96000 Hz
    Render Test at 4096 frames, sample rate: 44100 Hz
    Render Test at 4096 frames, sample rate: 192000 Hz
    Render Test at 4096 frames, sample rate: 11025 Hz
    Render Test at 512 frames, sample rate: 48000 Hz

    * * PASS

  • Hello Stevesong,

    Where do I find the AU manager in Logic?



  • Without opening/launching Logic itself: right click on the Logic icon (the Application)... choose "Show Package Contents"... in the folder Contents, go to Resources folder... the application "Logic AU Manager" is in there (you can make an alias too), doubleclick on it and there you are... (or, within Logic... menu Application > Preferences > Start Logic AU Manager...) Cheers...

  • Hello Rino Amato and Stevesong,

    I did exactly as you instructed (outside Logic 7). The Logic AU manager says already for the VE: validation passed. But I rescan anyway, I see a progress bar that keeps on going forever 'validating audio-unit'. After a while a VE service-window appears with no active instances in it. After a while another window appears: unable to create server object. The server application might be already running, or the requested network port is not available. I can only click OK.

    The progress bar keeps on running, the VE service window is still there with no active instances in it.

    After 5 minutes I tell the VE service window to shut down, and I quit Logic AU manager, save changes? yes.

    This automatically starts Logics Autoload song. It takes long to open this autoload, because it starts to scan for audio-units, and opens the VE service window again (no active instances). After a while the autoloadsong opens. When I try to open the plug-in Vienna Ensemble that is visible in the AU instruments, it opens the blue window 'starting Vienna Ensemble', but this results in the beach ball, and after a while I get the window that says: Vienna Ensemble Service is not available. Reconnect. Does not work.

    Quit Logic.


    So I guess it still does not work.

    What do I do wrong, does this work for you? 



    Mac Quad PPC OSX 10.4.10, Logic 7.2.3

  • What I did is slightly different. I launched the VE standalone and then quit it to eliminate the license scanning process (which takes 2.5 minutes on my machine) from the AU validation process. I then opened Logic and the Autoload file opened. I then launched the AU Manager by selecting "Start Logic AU Manager" from  the Logic Preferences submenu which is found under the Logic Pro menu (Logic Pro/Preferences/Start Logic AU Manager). The Autoload file disappears. In its place is a dialog box listing all the AU plugins. I checked the box next to the VE plugin which had previously failed validation. This causes it to rescan the VE plugin. It passed validation. 

    If this does not work for you, you might try the following:

    1. Rebuild the startup disk's directory using Alsoft's DiskWarrior.  (Starting the computer from the DiskWarrior CD.) This procedure has solved many problems for me that could not otherwise be fixed. For example: when Altiverb 6 was released, Logic could not see it and so no validation took place. Instead Logic produced an error message stating that Altiverb 5 was missing. I rebuilt the startup disk directory with DiskWarrior and Logic could then see and validate Altiverb 6. Over the years I have had many similar experiences with DiskWarrior. If you don't own DiskWarrior, get it. In my opinion, it is THE essential utility software for Macs. (No, I am not an employee of Alsoft!!)

    2. Repair Permissions using Apple's Disk Utility.  

  •  Hi Stevesong,


    Thank you so much for chiming in - this is exactly what I wanted to recommend!


    Gerard, please let us know wether that solved the problem!


    Cheers, Marnix 

  • Hello Steve and Marnix,

    I don't own Discwarrior. I will try to get it though.

    In the meantime: I did what Rino Amato told me to (see above). That was adressing the Logic AU manager outside Logic and it did not work.

    Now I tried it from within Logic and it is the same. Unable to create server object...etc.(see above). I want to stress again: the AU manager tells me that VE's validation is already passed. But I let it rescan. The log file that opens in the end also states that the validation was succesfull.

    I find it strange Marnix, that the only way to solve this problem is to buy a program from another firm. A lot of people have this same problem with VE and Logic 7.2.3, so it must be something in VE which is not the AU-validation?



  • With respect, I don't think this has anything to do with disk fragmentation or permissions, although it doesn't hurt to run Disk Warrior and repair your permissions.   You certainly shouldn't need Disk Warrior to get applications to run correctly.   I've been seeing pretty much the same kind of issues as Gerard since day 1, and recent updates have not fixed the problems.

    Gerard, if you really want to use Vienna Ensemble, when the VE window pops up and tells you it is not connected, open the server application, and hit 'shutdown'.  Then relaunch it from the applications folder, and then try and 'reconnect' from the VE plugin GUI.  This sometimes gets things up and running - I get pretty much the same symptoms as you every time I load a song using VE, and have to try this to manually get things to work.

    VSL have pretty much acknowledged that they're aware of ongoing issues with VE, especially on the Mac side of things, so the best thing may be to use Vienna Instruments for now and wait until these issues are fixed.  I'm sure they're working on it.


  • Thanks Jules,

    I will try this. By the way, I have the same result in Logic 8.

    Of course I trust that VSL is working on this, but I got the idea that it is not an AU validation issue, certainly when I saw that VE had passed validation already in Logic AU manager.

    And I was a bit in the mist about how long 'very soon' was[:^)] for a new version without these problems.

    I already run the stand-alone on a different Mac without problems.

    But the plug-in gives much possibilities in the way I work, so I am eager to get it as soon as possible.



  • I agree this is not a validation issue - the only problem with validation is that it forces the VE server application to load, which can take a long time, and also cause other problems because the server app itself, and the way it communicates with the plugin shell appears not to be totally stable on some Mac systems.

    I suspect even the developers themselves don't know how long 'very soon' is, but it suggests they're working on it as fast as they can.  I'm using VE for projects in pre-production, in the hope that things are ironed out before I have to deliver mixes.  For work in hand I'm steering clear of VE for now.

    All the best


  • Jules: 

    DiskWarrior does a lot more than defragment the disk directory. Unfortunately, the reports it gives after rebuilding the directory are not comprehensive - -  so it is easy to assume that it does less than it actually does. If one gets into serious trouble, one will discover that DiskWarrior has a secret panel accessible with a code given to the user by Alsoft's Tech Support at the time of such an incident. This is intended to be used only with the help of their tech support personnel as it is able run low level tests and fix things at a level that GUI does not reach directly. With the help of Alsoft's Tech Support I was once able to retrieve a disk that all other utilities declared beyond repair. It took 14 hours to recreate the directory to a state where the disk could be backed up successfully, but it did work.

    On quite a number of occasions DiskWarrior has fixed problems that were not even detected by any other utility such as the one I mentioned when Logic failed to "see" Altiverb 6. However, the reports issued by DiskWarrior on these occasions did not appear to give anything like a full account of what had transpired - - usually mentioning that minor issues regarding one or two fonts unrelated to the problem at hand had been fixed. 

    The fact that it has worked for me in situations like the one Gerard describes is why I recommended trying it. I have a similar setup to Gerard's, yet have encountered no problem in AU validation with VE 2.0 and Logic 7 or Logic 8. So what is that allows validation to work on my system and not on Gerard's?


    Dual 2.5GHz G5

    7GB RAM

    OS 10.4.10

    MOTU 2408 mk.3 

  • Hello Stephen,

    I have tried everything you suggested, but the problem remains. I ordered Disk Warrior by the way.

    My feeling is though that it is not an AU validation problem but something else. My Logic AU manager when opened for the first time, stated that the validation for VE had already passed. I scanned again to make sure. But it made no difference. There must be something else wrong, but I don't know where to look...



  • Hi Stephen

    I'm sure Disk Warrior is an extremely powerful tool, for all things disk-related.  I didn't mean in any way to criticise your advice, which is perfectly sound.

    My personal view is that the problems Gerard, I and a number of others are seeing are related to outstanding issues with the code, but I'd be more than happy to be proved wrong.  I do believe that it's always worth going through some basic system maintenance checks when issues crop up, but of the hundreds of issues I've ever experienced with software, I can probably count on one hand the number of times "repair permissions and delete your preference files" (which tech support guys love/have to wheel out as the first line of defence) has actually solved a problem.

    Quite why some systems are mishebaving and others are not is a bit of a mystery.  Perhaps the quad core and beyond thing makes a difference.....  just speculating.

    All the very best.


  •  Gerard:

    It seems likely that what you say about this not being a validation issue is probable, but it also seems possible that this is the kind of problem that DiskWarrior may fix. In other words there may be some kind of disk anomaly that is undetected by Apple's Disk Utility, but is, nonetheless preventing things from working correctly - - as was the case with the problems I described. I hope DiskWarrior arrives soon and that my guess is correct. Good luck!!


  • Hello VSL,

    I would just like to know if your technicians/programmers are looking into the problems I and other people using Logic 7.2.3 with VE as plug-in, have here (see above).

    I tried everything I could with always the same result: Unable to create server object. The server application might be already running or the requested network port is not available. Logic hangs, beachballs all over the place, force quit etc.

    I don't want to sound unpatient or rude. I just want to know if you are aware of these problems.



  •  Hello Gerard,

    we are hearing you loud and clear [:)]



    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support