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  • First night nerves (note cut out)

    So heres the scenario. This is a live set up. Not recording. I am simulating a pit orchestra using special edition patches running as plug-ins in Logic 7.2.3 (961.9) on a mac book pro OSX 10.4.10. I have assigned 11 matrices to 11 tracks in Logic. Logic is in multi player mode with all 11 tracks armed to record, although I am triggering only 4 at any one time. In 5 matrices I have simply an attack and a sustain of the same instrument in the two available cells, with the Xfader turned off so they sound simultaneously. In the other 6 I have TWO different instruments say, typically, an oboe sustain + a flute sustain transposed up an octave. .....And the problem: The same instrument matrices are fine. However, occassionally, but catastrophically, one or other of the two-instrument matrices will start to cut out if held for more than a gnats crotchet, with a ' fffffvvvvdd ' sort of sound and the problem only ceases when I reboot logic. CPU load shows typically VSL Server 20% at rest, max 35% when playing, Logic 8% at rest, 12% when playing. However when the problem kicks in, Logic shows 18% at rest, 23% when playing. VSL much the same as before. I have the Logic I/ O Buffer size cranked right up, and have tried putting the second instrument in the parrellel cell. No joy. Show starts Wednesday. Any ideas? If not, is there a quick way of rebooting logic. (There's no naffing dialogue breaks)

  • No hang on its worse than that - the VSL server shows 28% when at rest, 55% when playing once the cut-off problem starts.

  • Are your Release Samples turned off in the player? That's a show stopper if things are moving along and a wrong application of the player that overloads basically everything.

  • Nope - theyre all on. Youre right though - string-endo does exactly that. I think the answer may have been staring me in the face - Im going to give this new Ensemble gizmo a whirl. Anyways, thanks for coming back.