Okay, so I have 2 real input devices .. which show up on VE. But I want to be able to use all 8 ports, or at least 4 of them. So how does one go about creating either a virtual device, or whatever so that one can use at least the 4 ports in logic. I assume that the VE has to know where these ports are in order to use them. Otherwise I can only get 32 midi channels out of one instance .. standalone or otherwise. Any suggestions.
How do you use the midi ports of VE
You're on a mac right? If so, then open Audio Midi Setup (in the Utilities folder). Click the Midi tab. Double click the IAC driver button. Click the + next to Add and Remove Ports and click Apply. Now the VE should see those ports. If you're on a PC, then you need to do something similar with Virtual Midi cables.