I try to use automation to master the new Vienna instrument? is it possible? Whitch CC? to control Volume/pan/effects send...of the main page of
Vienna ensemble.
I use it as plugin in the same computer as Cubase4
BEst regards
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Sorry but I don't understand! But my english is not very good
To your question as answer to my question:
@hetoreyn said:
. ....... And what are the advantages to running VE as a plugin as opposed to Standalone
Because Vsl give us the possibilities to open Vienna ensemble as plugin!
The new possibilities to have easely presets of stack instruments seems to me very great...
Best regards
I would have thought that the main advantage of plug-in is that you don't need to route MIDI to and audio from VE, as it does it for you. With standalone you have to use virtual MIDI and audio cables, with all the caveats that this involves.
The main disadvantage is that with only a 32bit plug available on OSX, you are limited in memory available, whereas you could run multiple standalones.
Sorry perhaps I can't translate my mind but: And before that this topics will speak about all :
Is there somebody who can answer to my fisrt question?
A person who has installed the program !
So excuse me to be "pedantic?":
Thre are two main windows : First page call VIenna Ensemble with mixer table and a second with the instruments ( called Vienna instrument V.1.12)
Plugin or standalone the question is the same : midi communicate with Vienna Ensemble but I can only communicate with the "inside" instruments (i.e Vienna instrument's page with the learn function as usual) for example if i move a CC7 on midi channel 1 it's the intrument volume/slider at the right of the piano keyboard of the Vienna instrument midi 1.
What I want is to move the slider of the first page/window for example the pan like in the fifth picture from the top with a red circle around at this adress: http://community.vsl.co.at/forums/t/14572.aspx
Is it possible?
Thanks for answer
Hi Dup,
the automation of the mixer is not implemented, but as you said, you can communicate with each instance of the Vienna Instruments within the Vienna Ensemble, just as before.
The mixing environment is designed for orchestral use, you can set your panning position for each instrument.
As you can assign each output to a seperate input of your DAW, you can easily add automation when needed in your sequencer.
Of course many improvements can be expected [:)]
@Paul said:
the automation of the mixer is not implemented, but as you said, you can communicate with each instance of the Vienna Instruments within the Vienna Ensemble, just as before.
The mixing environment is designed for orchestral use, you can set your panning position for each instrument.
As you can assign each output to a seperate input of your DAW, you can easily add automation when needed in your sequencer.
Late starter here with Ensemble so I need to check a few things:
(I'm using Logic 8)
1 - Paul, I assume when you talk of automation, you mean automating the outputs of a standalone instance of Ensemble.
2 - It seems there is no way to automate individual channels in a plugin instance. Say I put a flute on MIDI channel 1 and an oboe on MIDI
channel 2, if I do volume automation for only the flute, it affects the oboe too - the volume of the entire Ensemble changes.
3 - I have tried creating a multi-instrument in Logic and cabling it to the Audio Inst with Ensemble loaded. I have also tried making "clones" of the Audio Inst and assigning different MIDI channels to each. I cannot automate volumes of the flute and oboe separately.
4 - There appear to be no specific Automation parameters for Ensemble. What I mean is this: With Stylus RMX for example, when I click on the automation pop-up menu in Logic, I get [Main] for all the Logic parameters, and I get [Stylus RMX] with a unique menu for all the parameters within RMX. Will this ever happen with Ensemble, or is it not possible because Ensemble (like VI) works as a separate app and not a plugin?
I'd be grateful for any info...
Regards - Colin
In Sonar, there is an option for "linking tracks" its possible that your tracks are linked, that would cause mulitple instruments to be affected... If you are running your ensemble through a Keyboard, you should have the keyboard to a comparable "local off" so that the Keyboard doesn't adjust your MIDI controllers globally. Also I have to be careful that in Sonar, the MIDI channels match the MIDI on VE... the two have to match for me, if the sequencer or VE are different, this method won't work in my case at least...
I'm using MIDI automation and I have no problems to report. In fact I rely on it (instead of keyswtiching) in order to change articulations, volume, velocity xfer, etc. When I play live, I have 4 sliders that are customizable, (A B C D), i have the Mod Wheel (CC=1) for switching articualtions (like on the tutorial), velcity xfer for A (CC = 12), expression B (CC = 11), and C is an open controller channel (CC = 13) for me to switch from a single instrument to multiple instruments in a section i.e. 1 trumpet to the 3 trumpets (on the Horizontal Matrix). And in addition to being able to change all these settings live and have it record my activity, Sonar allows me to edit and automate changes.
Hope this helps.
stevesong: THANKS!! [Y]
I was using control 7 (doh!) which affects the whole Ensemble.
I suppose it's CC 11 only if that's what is set in the Map Controls section of the VI (which in my case, it was).
This obviously answers further questions in advance - filter/attack/cell xf/etc can all be automated by setting specific CC no's.
Nice when it works!![:)]
Regards - Colin