The loops of the chamber strings (especially violins) are NOT looping at every note, sustain sounds weired... ANY UPDATE FOR THAT HERB?
CHAMBER STRINGS legato not working properly
I agree. I also have sustain issues with the chamber strings sustains. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. If I'm not...... The sustains are very inconsistant. Mostly all patches. Expecially Bassi and celli legato performance and sus. Even when they only suppose to last onl a few seconds sometimes the end prematurely leaving me with a very faint sample sustain which sometimes phased out. I suppose it phases out because of the misfire therefore leaving a unbalance stereo image. This doesn't happen all the time but it usually happens after about thirty plus minutes of continued use. I'm having some Mac pro ram issues anyway, so maybe my probem is related specificly to that. If there is an up;oading place I would love to send a mp3 of the sustain problem because it happens very often.