i would like to announce the new Silent Stage Report.
Vincent and Jules shoot a film about VSL and the VI saxophones. While Jules mainly is concerned with the effect of the film music, Vincent’s imagination revolves around really big cinema. By and by, Jules too begins to like the story, and together they set out on a hunt for the stolen "Silent Stage Report", which is about a secret film concerning the "Vienna Symphonic Library Twist Contest". They manage to recover a notebook with the data, but Vincent accidentally destroys the computer. Since quick help doesn’t seem to be available, the Big Boss sends them the ingeniuos sound engineer Wolf to save the data, who eventually is able to solve the problem in his way. Exhausted by all their exploits, Vincent and Jules treat themselves to a delicious cup of coffee ...
The jury of the "Vienna Symphonic Library Twist Contest" will award the three best videos with a complete VI saxophones library each. The winners’ films will be published on our Website.Take your partner and your handycam, download the soundtrack for our Twist Contest from our Website, and send us your version of the Twist Contest until November 16, 2007. Don’t be shy – the piece only takes one minute, so even those short of breath or out of training can participate!The winners will be announced in early December. After you have finished your video, please send a brief e-mail announcement to m.hula@vsl.co.at – We’ll reply immediately with a link where you can upload your film for the jury.
I want to say thanks to my film team: without your commitment, your talent for improvisation and your wholehearted acting I wouldn’t have achieved anything. I enjoyed producing this film very much.Some call it film business.I call it friendship. Thanks, Michael Hula