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  • Just bought a Yamaha BC3a Breath Controller, WOW!

    I have only had it for a day but I can't begin to describe the difference it is begining to make on my music and programming/sequencing of parts.

    No other controller competes, IMHO, now that I have the BC3a.

    I have assigned it to the Velocity X-Fade parameter in the VI, its so much better that using the mod wheel for this parameter. I wear it around my neck like a hands-free harmonica.

    Anyway, it might be old news to some but since I used VSL with Giga in the past I never thought of using the breath controller. I probably should have.


    I highly recommend it. Its great on all instruments, even non-wind/brass ones,



  • Tell me about it .. I've been dying to get one of these too. But I need a keyboard with the input .. and I don't have one. But I've seen Christian Kardeis using his and it looks so cool for making music with. So Gratz on your purchase.

  • I have one, but have yet to master it. I'm totally useless with it ATM. [:(]


  • hetoreyn,

    maybe you can still get one and plug it into the expression input on your controller, if it has one.

    Then you maybe able to reprogram the incoming midi data in your sequencer or even better just have whatever midi data is generated from that input be the control message for the VI.

    I bought it for a just under $100 US. It is now worth many times thatto me.



  • Hi DG,

    I'm not that good yet either, but after only about 1 hour of total time spent on it so far I'm starting to get a good response and decent control.

    I just checked out a website that provides steps to cirrcular breathing. I want to try to learn it. Will definitely take a while but I think it is well worth the trouble.

    Right now everytime I take a breath the controller value falls to the default setting, zero,  which is set on the side of the unit. I would like to be able to create long, sustained notes with cres and dims throughout without the velocity setting falling to 0 unless thats what I want.

    At this point I am convinced that programming music into a computer and getting a realistic sound almost requires a breath controller. Although the best among us can do without one the amount of manual labor that the breath controller with allow you to circumvent is staggering when you take into consideration the amount of time it takes to get everything to sound just right in a large orchestral piece.

    Once mastered, the breath controller will shave hours off painstaking task of creating those realistic crescendos and diminuendos and will shape your melodic lines more like a real player.

    I'm starting to sound like an info-mmercial so I'll stop here and say if you have one use it and you don't then go out and buy one ASAP.



  • Interesting. I always thought those would be for wind players to use, just because that is the way they are used to playing dynamics. Would it help the non-wind players? I will have to look into it.

    Colin Thomson 

  • Hetorey, you might be interested in this:

    Don't have any experiance with it, just found it on a google search. But it looks like it takes midi in from you keyboard controller, and midi info from the BC3a, and sends it out in one midi line. Has anyone had experiance with this? Is it a good option?

    Colin Thomson 

  •  Hi,

    I´m using the MIDI Solutions Converter, works very good (although close to double the price of the BC-3A). 



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • But, if I am not mistaken, it is the cheapest option if your keyboard doesn't have an input for the BC3A. Am I correct?

    Colin Thomson 

  • In my eyes that´s correct. I didn´t find anything else.... and it is very reliable [:)]



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Colin,

    I am not a wind player.

    My main instrument is guitar. I play piano to work out my compositions and improvise on ideas.

    I have no skill on any wind or brass instrument but I am still able to use the BC3a with quit a nice effect.

    What I am doing to get proficient is playing through orchestral scores. Not really being picky. Going from Beethoven to Bartok...picking out wind and brass parts and hacking through them.

    I'm having lots of fun!!!!

    I can't believe I lived without this thing for so long. 

    Also want to mention that my keyboard controller is a CME UF8.



  • Well these two together should form a pretty good team for a Breath Control unit. 230 Euros total. I might look into this myself I think. Typically I think one would plug both the keyboard and BC3 unit into the BC3a, and then have the output midi go into your Midi interface unit. So this is a good solution for those who don't have the breath Control port. You also mentioned that one can use the expression port on a keyboard for this .. which is interesting and I wonder if that would work. Perhaps I'll by the Headset first and try that. Heto

  •  All of you are pretty lucky. I'm still using a mouse to do my sequencing. At least it forces me to learn about note lengths.

  • I have a expression port on my UF8, I also have an 1/8" to 1/4" adapter. The BC3a has an 1/8" connection.

    I will see if the unit can be plugged into an expression port and still work.

    Trying it now............

    Nope it does not work. I thought it would, sorry to get your hopes up.

    The midi track does not register any info if the breath controller is connected to the expression port.


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    @ColinThomson said:

    Hetorey, you might be interested in this:

    Don't have any experiance with it, just found it on a google search. But it looks like it takes midi in from you keyboard controller, and midi info from the BC3a, and sends it out in one midi line. Has anyone had experiance with this? Is it a good option?

    Colin Thomson 

    I just ordered my MIDI Solutions Breath Controller Converter and a Yamaha BC3.
    I can't wait to try it on my Vienna Instruments.


  • Wow this look cool. I have a uf7 and i think you could be even more creative with this tool. I tried to look for video to see how others add's it to there music. Can you give us a little detail on how your using it. Thank for sharing.

  • Hi CplusE,

    Christian Kardeis is using the breath controller all the time [:)]

    Take a look at the Special Edition Demo Song #1 (you can see how it is applied in the "Project files". As you have not licensed a collection yet, as far as I can see, open the inlcuded MIDI file). The Video Tutorials should also be interesting for you!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @DG said:

    I have one, but have yet to master it. I'm totally useless with it ATM.


    I picked one of these up with high hopes of adding some nice smooth dynamics to my sequences, and I must say that I'm in the same as DG here.  I too am totally useless with it ATM, and I'm a wind player to boot!  Is it possible that my breath controller may be broken? 

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    @DG said:

    I have one, but have yet to master it. I'm totally useless with it ATM.


    I picked one of these up with high hopes of adding some nice smooth dynamics to my sequences, and I must say that I'm in the same as DG here.  I too am totally useless with it ATM, and I'm a wind player to boot!  Is it possible that my breath controller may be broken? 

    Since my original post I have improved a lot. However, the settings are really hard to get right, and the whole appliance feels very cheap and plasticy. I know that VSL doesn't want to get involved in the hardware game, but this is one specialised area that would be really helpful.


  • Anyone know if the BC3a breath controller works with the original DX7?  I got an old DX7 that I know worked with the original BC1, and at least the plug looks the same for both controllers.