I was wondering how Vienna Instruments uses RAM and the CPU in my Mac. I am using an iMac and also an older G5 pre Intel.
I thought I would get a lot more instruments loaded by doubling my RAM. It did help but not much.
Anyone know how Vienna uses RAM and CPU? How I get the most out of my hardware and CPU?
Vienna and RAM and CPU on iMac and Pre-Intel G5
welcome dean,
basically your thought is correct - double the RAM and get twice as much samples loaded. samples, not neccessarily instruments, because instruments use different amounts of samples. (see the preview numbers in the VI before loading)
but you should tell us from how much you doubled ... possibly your system now grabs more memory than before, so leaving actually not twice the amount free? check out activity monitor or process viewer for details.
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.