Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • Looking to hire Los Angeles area Virtual Orchestra composers

    I have three feature films landing on my lap at the same time, and I need to delegate out portions of what I used to do (such as synth realizing, copying, etc), to a set of individuals who are capable of doing fantastic realistic sounding production ready renderings of my written scores (or MIDI).

    Please PM me with your contact information.

  • Why the wierd subterfuge with the name Evan? [*-)]

    The word 'bargepole' springs to mind [:(]

  • Have you contacted Matt Gates? He's a very talented up and coming composer, as well as a VSL user!

  • Here comes a question from this post.

    This is your work. So does VSL allow the use of mockups to other peoples compositions? In EW's case, it strictly says you need to use your own compositions and arrangements, so mockups aren't allowed (as some people gather)

  • Mockups are my own compositions. And I own every library out there. Not a problem.

  • I'd like to see where in the EW agreement it says that, Sonrise, because that's preposterous. It would mean only the bandmember who wrote the song could use their instruments live, for example. Any judge would have to laugh them out of court on a rail for attempting to enforce that.

    Evan is hiring people to perform/program his music with libraries they "own." There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, whether or not he owns the libraries. You're allowed to use your libraries on your own projects, and if you hire yourself out as a programmer it's your own project.

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    @Nick Batzdorf said:

    I'd like to see where in the EW agreement it says that, Sonrise, because that's preposterous. It would mean only the bandmember who wrote the song could use their instruments live, for example. Any judge would have to laugh them out of court on a rail for attempting to enforce that.

    Evan is hiring people to perform/program his music with libraries they "own." There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, whether or not he owns the libraries. You're allowed to use your libraries on your own projects, and if you hire yourself out as a programmer it's your own project.

    Exactly. The limitations of sample librarie licences are that you have to be the person using the samples. However there is even an variation on that theme, because someone else could use your samples, providing that they are using them on your music.


  • There are two separate copyright issues here:

    1. VSL own the copyright of their samples (and obviously don't want to see one person buy a library and share it with ten others, whatever the circumstances).

    2. Composers own the rights to their own music (unless they subsequently assign the right to a publisher) and can authorise performance, mock-ups and so on.

    Good luck with finding collaborators.

  • It's really not as complicated as all you are making it out to be. if the employer has the right to the samples, than there is no question. In my case, I own just about every library out there, so it's not an issue.

  • But you don't own the license that the person doing the programming is using, navE. [:P]

    Conquer, sharing is if you have the library on your studio's computer for clients to use along with the mixing desk, compressors, and speakers. Using the license you've purchased on a project is a totally different situation, and whether or not you wrote the music or the composer also has the library is 100% irrelevant.

  • Damn, I really need to move to LA someday. All the jobs are there...

  • Sonrise,

    A lot of them are. Not sure if you were being sarcastic, but ... it's true, they really are.

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    @Sonrise said:

    Damn, I really need to move to LA someday. All the jobs are there...

    That may of been true in the past and may still be an advantage but today when everything could be done through internet it's very feasible to work outside your country through internet. I say that because that is my case, I deliver material several times a week to NY and LA without moving from my chair and I live in Montreal.

  • Hi Guy,

    That info is VERY encouraging!!!

  • Yeah, working over the internet may be the way to do it, BUT, the jobs are still in LA. So "getting" the jobs, and "working on them" become two seperate things.

    And if you aren't here, than those who are, are really talented at hussling them away from you. There's a lot of incentive in "going local".

    Anyway, there still are a few jobs here and there outside of LA, but not enough to accelerate a career.

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    @snavenave said:

    Yeah, working over the internet may be the way to do it, BUT, the jobs are still in LA. So "getting" the jobs, and "working on them" become two seperate things.

    And if you aren't here, than those who are, are really talented at hussling them away from you. There's a lot of incentive in "going local".

    Anyway, there still are a few jobs here and there outside of LA, but not enough to accelerate a career.

    Of course I don't disagree with what you're saying and that's why I said it's still an advantage to live in LA but the point was that internet revolutionized our way of communicating and so once you have established a solid contact in LA or NY they know you can be as efficient or more than the guy living in LA, today everybody all over the world has access to the same technology, VSL is an example, this website is an example, then if your good it's by word of mouth, but of course getting that initial contact whether it's through luck or hard work is more challenging when you're outside the area and on that side I agree with Evan or Nave [;)]. Today's communication ways have become so ridiculous, I bet people in LA use their cell to talk from the front to the back seat of a car, and sending mp3s or quicktimes between continents takes nearly the same time! Today everybody is surfing on the internet, so the point is, it's catching up to "being there".

    Yug Socab, [:)]

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    @Another User said:

    Today's communication ways have become so ridiculous, I bet people in LA use their cell to talk from the front to the back seat of a car, and sending mp3s or quicktimes between continents takes nearly the same time! Today everybody is surfing on the internet, so the point is, it's catching up to "being there".
    Yes it is. I am waiting for the day I can put Google glasses on and do everything with my "toothstick". [;)]

  • Hi Evan, it seems your move to LA bears fruit. Congrats and all the best, Mathis.

    To the ones interested in his job offering: Some two years ago I helped him on a similar occasion and I had quite some fun with him.