Hahahaha. Got a big belly laugh out of that. Good one! [[:)]]@clarkcontrol said:
Don't get your panties in a wad.
No, it's just that these people go through so much trouble to try and make me look "evil", and in the meantime I have to try and defend myself, and then I find out I've been wasting my time cause someone's "claim de resistance" isn't even f****** relevant. Out here, in Hollywood, someone like that would be kciked on his *** for making such an oversight. I don't like dealing with such non chalant attitudes. I prefer and enjoy those who you can trust won't make mistakes in the line of fire, when it comes time to rise to the occassion.
Ok, panties unbunched now. [[:)]]
P.S. I wonder where the hell that expression came from. Probably like Bridget Bardot, once said "ugg, I feel so terrible today, and now ..." reaching down into her pants and tugging and rubbing, "...my panties are in a bunch, arg."