@Simon Ravn said:
I don't use any firewire harddrives. I use two WD 500 GB RE2 SATA drives internally for sample playback.
Good Morning, Simon. I have felt your pain. I am curious and you may have said this in previous posts - Does your problem persist with the use of built in audio? My problem was timed with the use of the FW 800 port-ie that was the act that caused my problem. Did you attach anything new when you loaded VSL SE? If built in audio works, then it would seem to point to how info is handled internally with more than one HDD. Resolution of this issue is important to all of us as I am contemplating a new system.
I still haven't tried with built in audio, since I don't have that connected to anything, but I will test it with a MOTU PCIe solution soon and see if that changes anything.
And no, I haven't attached anything special. And it's not VSL SE, it's every VSL instrument that behaves like this. It is related to the VSL engine in some way. Maybe the engine needs to be coded in a slightly different way to work 100% on OS X - I don't know, but Native Instruments and others got it right.