@chriskard said:
I got the information from an Apple engineer that the more RAM you have installed the better, because when physical RAM is still free, the Swap File Technology starts to use this free ram for its page file. So the samples are just moved from the Real memory of the thread "VSL-Server" to another area in the physical RAM.
Some customers said that problems with clicks and pops would not occur with EXS. But most EXS programs aren´t as large as Vienna Instruments matrices or presets can be! Therefore significantly less RAM is needed and its rather unlikely to run into swapping problems. We did some tests with EXS where we forced the system to swap data from EXS and it showed the same behaviour like VI does when physical memory is overwritten (clicks and pops).
The only solution_at the moment_is to add more RAM (if possible). Hopefully the situation will change with upcoming operating systems and improved memory protection- and we are also investigating in order to find a solution (which might however reduce the possibilities in VI to load many samples).
It is also recommendable to use VI as efficiently as possible and to create your own customized matrices and presets out of the patches you really need for your arrangement and to remove all unused (!) playing techniques. The factory presets are extremely "RAM intense" and therefore they are not always the best choice - but they are great examples for showing the keyswitch-possibilities and functionalities of VI programs.
Besides all of this we mentioned that VI does not perform as good in Digital Performer 5.12 as it does in Logic Pro 7.2.3 or Cubase 4.
Best regards,
thanks for your explanations.
what you point out may be the reason for the problems that some people experience (who work with large arrangements and really stress their system). however, it cannot be the reasons for the problems i (and as it seems also others) have.
to sum it up once more:
i experience these dropouts loading a single matrix (20mb!!!) and having according to activity monitor 1.5 gb free! ram. i have checked this in the meantime and activity monitor shows 0 poge-outs while these dropouts occur!
it definitively has nothing to do with the size of the instruments either since i can run _much_ larger exs instruments than the simplest vi matrices which already cause problems.
since the vienna instruments apparently work fine for most users it must be a more specific problem (maybe some software-incompatibility, ...). i would be happy to provide you with information to figure out what cuases this. but this requires that you take our input seriously and don´t go on presenting possible causes that evidently contradict our experience.
best regards