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  • Thanks DG...that DOES make me feel better.


  • Josh - really quite different Beast (or should I say beastess [:D] )

    I simply cannot wait for VSL to finish this library - with word utility. The sopranos legato is nothing short of expectations.


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    @Rob Elliott said:

    I simply cannot wait for VSL to finish this library - with word utility. The sopranos legato is nothing short of expectations.


    Unfortunately I find the legato almost unusable. I've tried, but there has to be so much ducking and diving with volumes and velocity xFades that I've given up and used the sustains for 95% of the legato line in the track that I'm doing today. I just wish that the legato patches were even and less bumpy. I can hear what should be possible, just it doesn't work the way it currently has been edited (recorded?). I would love VSL to have another go at the legato patches because if they worked properly they would be marvellous.


  • DG,

    I agree that the volume level of the legato transitions is too loud and uniform when played straight, however this is a minor problem that can be fixed (and obviously will be) in programming at some point. The VSL programming has been absolutely incredible on all their completed libraries (especially with all the wonderful new elements and tweaks in VI) and this is an early release. Not to lecture you (of all people) but aren't we getting a little spoiled by the near-perfection offered here regularly? And we demand it even in "Beta" products like this.

    One thing I tried was to layer the sustaining "Uu" with the legato of "Ah" (or the reverse) and it sounds almost perfect. Of course, it is two vowels simultaneously, but first of all you can't enuniciate words yet ( I mean the sopranos, DG, not you personally - I assume you can speak the Queen's English quite delightfully), and also singers - especially choral - are so imprecise with their enunciation anyway that half the time a "Uu" IS an"Ah." And on top of that, ALL vowels are the same when you get up in the higher register.

  • William -- nice suggestion on the layering of UU's (sus patch) with AH's (legato patch). This should certainly make this free gift more usuable whilst we await the final release - which I have high expectations for (just wish it wasn't a year off.) [:'(]


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    @William said:


    I agree that the volume level of the legato transitions is too loud and uniform when played straight, however this is a minor problem that can be fixed (and obviously will be) in programming at some point. The VSL programming has been absolutely incredible on all their completed libraries (especially with all the wonderful new elements and tweaks in VI) and this is an early release. Not to lecture you (of all people) but aren't we getting a little spoiled by the near-perfection offered here regularly? And we demand it even in "Beta" products like this.

    One thing I tried was to layer the sustaining "Uu" with the legato of "Ah" (or the reverse) and it sounds almost perfect. Of course, it is two vowels simultaneously, but first of all you can't enuniciate words yet ( I mean the sopranos, DG, not you personally - I assume you can speak the Queen's English quite delightfully), and also singers - especially choral - are so imprecise with their enunciation anyway that half the time a "Uu" IS an"Ah." And on top of that, ALL vowels are the same when you get up in the higher register.

    Of course I'm being fussy. I think that one of the reasons that the standard of the VSL products is so high is precisely because we're all so fussy. The mere fact that I'm using this beta product instead of other choir products tells you how good is it already. It's almost close enough to taste but not quite up to the standard of other beta products like the Appassionata violins, for example.


  • Yes, VSL has already created such high standards, beyond other sample libraries. They have created outrageous expectations in all their slavering sample-maniacs-

    I mean, all their fine customers.