@Nick Batzdorf said:
Julian, I have to repeat myself repeat myself: on my machine it DOES NOT TAKE SEVEN MINUTES the first time after starting up. It takes one minute and forty seconds.
I'm certainly not saying that your problems aren't real, nor am I saying I haven't had problems with Syncrosoft dongles; I still can't launch Cubase SX3 on my main G5, and for the longest time I simply couldn't get two Scarbee libraries to launch.
But 7-minute load times are not par for the course. The worst company in the world wouldn't release a product that takes seven minutes to launch. There is almost certainly something different about your system that Syncrosoft doesn't like.
I quote Herb:
"I think there is a general missconception.
I think Maya's 30 to 60 seconds startuptime refer to a startup of a VI after of opening a new logic project and not a startup after rebooting the computer.
That means after a reboot you have to wait several minutes, depending how much content is added in your Directory Manager of the VI.
If you change to a different logic project (no reboot), the startuptime of the first VI instance should be less than one minute (with the whole Symphonic Cube added)
If your workflow needs a lot of reboots of your computer (changing the studio etc.) we recommend only to add the instruments in Directory Manager which were needed.
I have also talked with our developement team to add a save/load option into Directory Manager, so you can easy and fast setup the needed instruments for a certain project.
The point is the load times currently increase with the number of instruments. If you had the full cube installed plus appassionata strings your initial load tmes would be a magnitude greater. Although you state "The worst company in the world wouldn't release a product that takes seven minutes to launch." I am afraid 7 minute launch times (on G5.s) are currently the case and have been confirmed by a fair number of VSL users on this forum, including Herb! I currently get launch times of 2 minutes for the whole collection when booted Windows XP2 so there is room for improvement and I'm sure it will come.