To Anyone,
Laurent's comments are disrespectful to me and to my father, and all families of the world.
I am a world class film composer. It is not something that is easy to accomplish, nor are some born with the potential. All of what I am is from how I was. And how I was is partially from where I came from. To think that I do not possess any of my father's skills is insulting to me. To think that everything he did in his life and everything I have done in mine are mutually exclusive, is just plain unwise.
I could be the generic human being that everyone loves. But I have chosen to be someone who is loved by those who respect my uniqueness. I have chosen to be unlike anyone else. And most people who do not like me are actually closed minded. Ironically I am very open minded, and I naturally like and respect even those who do not like and respect me. But it is not my place to influence others. I wish to bring people out of darkness, but I cannot push it. You cannot help someone who cannot help themselves.
So to those who disagree with Evan Evans as a person, I say "spend the neurons on something else, because it doesn't mean anything to a proudly unique person such as myself."
I'm going to enjoy my life just the same without other's opinions of me. That's the beauty being confident in who you are, the choices you've made, and the direction you see yourself going.
Furthermore, I don't mind arguing with someone about my opinions or even defending mine against other's disagreement, but basically, with 2 kids, a wife, a wonderful life and career, .. I just don't have time for those close minded people anymore. They can go argue with their roommate and come back to me when they're married and know what it means to enjoy life and other's opinions. A certain degree of discretion must be taken with some of the people who attack me. I can't give everyone equal credit for being valid. I pick and choose those who seem to have an air of respect for other's about them.
So if I choose not to defend myself, it doesn't mean I am not offended. It just means, I don't have enough seconds in this life to spend another one with that person, defending myself. They're on their own .. and I wish them the best in coming to new realizations and illuminations about what is truly important in the universe, this world, and one's life. And also I recommend that people not try to be controlled by chemicals and emotions, and other influences that are created by chemicals and emotions. Use your mind. Think before you leap.
To R.K,
Thanks for your kind words. You're perspectives show why you love my father's music. It takes more than just ears to appreciate it, and I can see by you're view of life that you understand me and my father quite well. You can AIM me anytime if you wish. Or email.
Yours truly,
Evan Evans
Laurent's comments are disrespectful to me and to my father, and all families of the world.
I am a world class film composer. It is not something that is easy to accomplish, nor are some born with the potential. All of what I am is from how I was. And how I was is partially from where I came from. To think that I do not possess any of my father's skills is insulting to me. To think that everything he did in his life and everything I have done in mine are mutually exclusive, is just plain unwise.
I could be the generic human being that everyone loves. But I have chosen to be someone who is loved by those who respect my uniqueness. I have chosen to be unlike anyone else. And most people who do not like me are actually closed minded. Ironically I am very open minded, and I naturally like and respect even those who do not like and respect me. But it is not my place to influence others. I wish to bring people out of darkness, but I cannot push it. You cannot help someone who cannot help themselves.
So to those who disagree with Evan Evans as a person, I say "spend the neurons on something else, because it doesn't mean anything to a proudly unique person such as myself."
I'm going to enjoy my life just the same without other's opinions of me. That's the beauty being confident in who you are, the choices you've made, and the direction you see yourself going.
Furthermore, I don't mind arguing with someone about my opinions or even defending mine against other's disagreement, but basically, with 2 kids, a wife, a wonderful life and career, .. I just don't have time for those close minded people anymore. They can go argue with their roommate and come back to me when they're married and know what it means to enjoy life and other's opinions. A certain degree of discretion must be taken with some of the people who attack me. I can't give everyone equal credit for being valid. I pick and choose those who seem to have an air of respect for other's about them.
So if I choose not to defend myself, it doesn't mean I am not offended. It just means, I don't have enough seconds in this life to spend another one with that person, defending myself. They're on their own .. and I wish them the best in coming to new realizations and illuminations about what is truly important in the universe, this world, and one's life. And also I recommend that people not try to be controlled by chemicals and emotions, and other influences that are created by chemicals and emotions. Use your mind. Think before you leap.
To R.K,
Thanks for your kind words. You're perspectives show why you love my father's music. It takes more than just ears to appreciate it, and I can see by you're view of life that you understand me and my father quite well. You can AIM me anytime if you wish. Or email.
Yours truly,
Evan Evans