Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • Those are certainly good points and I am waiting as well for clarification.

  • Another interesting wrinkle is that if the licenses are transferable, owners of older VSL products can now effectively sell them. Say you own the Pro edition, and most of the Horizon libraries. A new buyer wanting the entire library could pay you $10,000. You'd upgrade to the full SC for a little over $5k, transfer the license, pocket $5k, and the new buyer would save $1,000. You, of course, would be getting less out of the deal than you had originally invested, but at least you could sell for about $5,000. As it stood previously, if you had no further use for the library, you weren't able to get anything back out of it. I could see this coming into play in cases where someone was changing careers, or even dealing with the estate of a deceased VSL library owner).

    Lee Blaske

  • This is the very thing that got me ordering Horizon products this month. I've held off for a long time precisely because of licensing issues.

  • There is an arbitrage opportunity here since you can buy Pro edition at a discount until Jan 6, upgrade to SC and then transfer to another buyer and possibly make money. Any takers?

  • Good idea!  I will also like to hear the Vienna staff chime in too and see if they have heard of these.

    Another thing I am having a problem with is no proper documentation all the patches, including descriptions of abbreviations etc.

    For instance, are the performance legatos including in the Level 2 patches the same as level one?  If not, how are they different, etc.

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    Hello Animus,

    a lot has happened since 2005, when the last post in this thread was written.

    With the Vienna Instruments, a license transfer is possible and is monitored by our sales team case by case, to make sure that both seller and buyer will be happy. Please also check our License FAQ´s.

    Regarding documentation: Please find your Library Manuals here, in your User Area! The Performance Legatos in the Extended Library ("L2") are technically the same as the "normal" legato in the Standard Library, but feature different articulations. You will find a lot of variations, especially with your Solo Strings VI Collection 😊



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • dammit!  I was wondering where my post went.  I actually posted this in the wrong thread and should have went in my Solo Strings problem thread.  So sorry.  You can delete this post and I will report it correctly.
