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    Paul wrote:

    @Another User said:

    for me at the moment the Quads were never designed for audio in the first place - more to do with the graphics people.

    Interesting observation Paul.
    Maybe Apple will surprise us all with their own brand of PCIe audio interface. I guess we'll have to wait and see what the next release of G5's has in store.

    For now, I'll hang onto my RME card.....

    Regards - Colin

  • Miklos,

    It's bread and water for me for a while [:(] I just purchased the symphonic cube [:D] , plus the Quad a few weeks ago, may even have to ration on the bread!!

    Please God, make it that all these new machines, computers and software get along together!!!


  • Good prayer Guy. I think you'll be alright perhaps a few hiccups remember not to panic! have paper bags at the ready...

    The only problem with the quads I think is the lack of PCI interfaces but that's not a problem for you, and I think you will find that besides the possible few initial bumps over the first few weeks getting things set up (remember to save often and backup often especially projects) - you should do really well with the quad. Having said that, you may well have no problems at all. Logic is Apple, updates would be very forthcoming for any initial problems, and VSL will be right on top of any probs with the VI and quads/g5's so again very little downtime if any I would expect any major issues to be sorted out within days/weeks if there are any. Perhaps I will eat my words? I don't think so nobody can tell the future but that's what I think anyway.

    A tip: skip the bread and learn a yogic breathing exercise to transform the positive ions from the back of the fan of your G5 into glucose and proteins (using your nose to breath in the air flow) then you won't need to eat at all except as a luxury, steal a few multivitamin pills from a friends cupboard they won't notice. You may even be able to contact spiritual beings after a time who can instruct you on your music and provide lottery numbers on occasion perhaps even in sequence. [:O] learn to write music without sleeping. seriously though positive ions are bad for your health! [*-)] [*-)]

    Seriously seriously though the one thing you WILL NEED to watch out for and be very careful about is which audio interface you choose because they can be very slow in releasing drivers with new release hardware problems and could leave you stuck. Don't buy anything that you aren't sure works with the G5 quad + Logic + VSL it should ideally be a firewire interface with coreaudio drivers. Even the Metric Halo that I own - I mean, sometimes it's months before they release a fix for major problems, although everything is good now.

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    @mpower88 said:

    Good prayer Guy. I think you'll be alright perhaps a few hiccups remember not to panic! have paper bags at the ready...

    The only problem with the quads I think is the lack of PCI interfaces but that's not a problem for you, and I think you will find that besides the possible few initial bumps over the first few weeks getting things set up (remember to save often and backup often especially projects) - you should do really well with the quad. Having said that, you may well have no problems at all. Logic is Apple, updates would be very forthcoming for any initial problems, and VSL will be right on top of any probs with the VI and quads/g5's so again very little downtime if any I would expect any major issues to be sorted out within days/weeks if there are any. Perhaps I will eat my words? I don't think so nobody can tell the future but that's what I think anyway.

    A tip: skip the bread and learn a yogic breathing exercise to transform the positive ions from the back of the fan of your G5 into glucose and proteins (using your nose to breath in the air flow) then you won't need to eat at all except as a luxury, steal a few multivitamin pills from a friends cupboard they won't notice. You may even be able to contact spiritual beings after a time who can instruct you on your music and provide lottery numbers on occasion perhaps even in sequence. [:O] learn to write music without sleeping. seriously though positive ions are bad for your health! [*-)] [*-)]

    Seriously seriously though the one thing you WILL NEED to watch out for and be very careful about is which audio interface you choose because they can be very slow in releasing drivers with new release hardware problems and could leave you stuck. Don't buy anything that you aren't sure works with the G5 quad + Logic + VSL it should ideally be a firewire interface with coreaudio drivers. Even the Metric Halo that I own - I mean, sometimes it's months before they release a fix for major problems, although everything is good now.

    Haha! It's a good thing that laughter is the closest distance between 2 people! [H] [:D]

    I had actually planed on eating the bugs from my studio for the next 6 month, great in protein!!

    Some very comforting words in the 1st paragraph, and I do need them!!! [:O]ops: The audio interface is the final piece I haven't gotten yet, and perhaps a good thing. So you're suggestion is ideally a firewire interface with coreaudio drivers. Ok. Did I say 6 month? Make that a year!

    Well thanks! [[;)]]

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    Get an RME Fireface 800 from Fantastic drivers, low latency, PC Drivers are updated on a very regular basis including 64bit ones! MAC seems to be the same, but not having a MAC can't comment fully - but if its anything like their PC support it will rock,

  • cool there you go. don't know about the sound of those tho never heard one.

  • RME Fireface 800's are approximately £900 at the moment. Ummmm.....

  • I think that the Multiface is a little bit cheaper, and I've had no problems with it.


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    @DG said:

    I think that the Multiface is a little bit cheaper, and I've had no problems with it.


    Yes Daryl - but forgive my technical ignorance here - but how does that stack up with a Mac Quad? This is what I want to know from a purely unquisitive side. I have no intention of getting a Mac Quad currently, but I would not like to think people are ordering this monster only to find that they have a big problem getting any noise out of it.

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    @DG said:

    I think that the Multiface is a little bit cheaper, and I've had no problems with it.


    Yes Daryl - but forgive my technical ignorance here - but how does that stack up with a Mac Quad? This is what I want to know from a purely unquisitive side. I have no intention of getting a Mac Quad currently, but I would not like to think people are ordering this monster only to find that they have a big problem getting any noise out of it.

    Well they have drivers for OSX, but I think that one would have to check with RME to find out about the Quad. It has a slightly lower spec than the Firewire one, but that might not matter; it's not for me to say.

    AFAIK it has a card based interface, so that could be a problem, but as I haven't followed the Quad specs very carefully I don't know what changes Apple have made, however I can certainly recommend the Multiface from my experience.


  • Currently,there is no PCI-e card available from any manufacturer.Digidesign have announced they are to offer one in January,and RME are working on it. MOTU (my own company of choice) have been really very annoying and unprofessional, and refused to announce even their intention to release this technology,which is a bleedin' nuisance,since I have a Quad sitting in its box in my studio,as I write this.PCI-e is, no question, the way to go for PCI technology in the near future,but,for some reason,the music industry has been very,very slow on the uptake.It's not as if it's been sprung on them,because PC hardware has featured this architecture for long enough.

    It seems that music hardware future is being perceived as either Firewire,or USB,though optical is possible on the Quad,but supports only 2 channels.

    Personally,I'm left with the options either to wait,and use the Quad as an ancilliary machine,over ethernet (which i did not want,because I needed the brute power of this computer to run as the main machine),or entirely replace my audio interface setup,which I also did not want.

    I have RME cards in my PC and one other G5,and they are quite excellent,so I'd be very tempted away from MOTU,should they beat them in the race.

    It's a dilemma,and I ain't happy.

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    @strawinsky said:

    MOTU (my own company of choice) have been really very annoying and unprofessional, and refused to announce even their intention to release this technology,which is a bleedin' nuisance,since I have a Quad sitting in its box in my studio,as I write this.PCI-e is, no question, the way to go for PCI technology in the near future,but,for some reason,the music industry has been very,very slow on the uptake.It's not as if it's been sprung on them,because PC hardware has featured this architecture for long enough.
    It's a dilemma,and I ain't happy.

    This is what I've been trying in vain to explain to them Mike - it's unreal. It's like there's a total blank or something. What are people supposed to do? Just throw out their Motu soundcards I guess. And what good would that do? Hahaha!

    Crazy or what?


  • It may happen...

  • There are no PCIe cards for audio but there ARE PCIe cards for firewire 400 and 800 and USB cards so that leaves you open to all the firewire and USB interfaces some of which are fantastic. For 2 in 2 out, I've already suggested the metric halo ULN2 on firewire and the apogee mini me converters for USB, then you have the MH2882 which can be stacked for multi input/output I think up to 128 analogue connections on one machine all through firewire. There are a lot of other options heaps in fact.

  • The Apogee Rosetta and AD/DA 16X series is something I'm looking at as a high-end solution to this,along with the Dangerous 2-Bus for analogue i/o.PCI-e,per se, is always going to have superior bandwidth to any firewire or USB device.

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    @PolarBear said:

    Beaswax, so far you didn't like any aspect of the VSL but still want to buy into it? I wish you all the best and hope your purchase is well thought-out. But thanks for the offer you are willing to also upgrade my computer [:D] [;)]

    More seriously though, they still are running the tests for the hardware requirements, so I doubt you'll get more info until it's confirmed from other people what hardware specs are needed. From what I read, the VIs can be run at least as well as from the computers you are running your current EXS, GS, Kontakt, Halion or whatever on for your VSL samples.

    All the best,

    I never said that I didn't like any aspect of the VSI. I just thought that the pricing scheme was very unfair (seems like the same samples with a few new ones added). Since I've been doing a lot of jingle work I think that it would be better for me to save time by using the new and improved performance mode. Then it allows me to use DP and Logic freely.

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    @Beaswax said:

    I think that it would be better for me to save time by using the new and improved performance mode.

    Yes, and time is money so VSL is going to save you a lot of money and also be able to pay for all the time they spent developing this new product and samples. Also it will help them pay for the next cool thing we all want so we can sound better and make more money in less time, and...

  • Just wondering if anybody received their Quad yet (if you ordered one [:)] ) and would have any early advice to give?

    Mine just came in today! [:D]

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    @Beaswax said:

    I think that it would be better for me to save time by using the new and improved performance mode.

    Yes, and time is money so VSL is going to save you a lot of money and also be able to pay for all the time they spent developing this new product and samples. Also it will help them pay for the next cool thing we all want so we can sound better and make more money in less time, and...

    Well hopefully by that time they'll have a real VIP program....

  • Hi guys,

    I've been trying to find some kind of performance-test results on the new quad-core macs because I still have a dual-1ghz machine, and it's time to upgrade. But all the benchmark tests conspicuously don't mention how the new machines work with audio - just photoshop and final cut.

    Has anyone found some real-world results of a dual-2.7ghz G5 vs. a quad-core 2.5ghz G5 running Logic?
