Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • Herb,

    It's great to see that VI is finally being shipped. Now with the latest developments on the Appassionata (like the name) library, what would you expect to have this rapped up and ready for shipment?

  • Downloadable would be cool to [:)]

  • It will be exclusively downloadable, in approximate 5 to 7 weeks.


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    @herb said:

    It will be exclusively downloadable, in approximate 5 to 7 weeks.


    Herb-- you are the King of the World!! Thank you!! [:D]

  • In some ways it was a good thing that there was no discount on the initial price of VI. Otherwise we wouldn't have this Appassianata library, a gift from Herb. At least not so soon.

  • Herb -

    Can you tease us with a couple 10 second samples. One - scale tones - the other playing legato intervals??


  • ...and the third, an orchestral arrangement of the "Appassionata" Sonata. [:D]

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    @Guy said:

    ...and the third, an orchestral arrangement of the "Appassionata" Sonata. [[:D]]

    Come on Guy - don't scare Herb away from this request [[;)]]

    2 - 10 second samples. Personally I prefer sample library demos that are just the instrument in question - playing the few most important articulations. I think all of us know samples well enough to know if it is "cuttin' it". Things are not 'doubled', eq'd, tucked below, etc. - just out there exposed for all to hear. [[:D]]


  • Just having fun... your request is excellent. [[;)]]

  • Herb: so u need to own Pro Edition to be eligible for this much-wanted download? [:D]

  • As far as I understood Herb you have to own the Pro ed AND Orchestral strings I or II (Vienna instruments)...

  • Do I get a mention in the credits for coming up with the name?

    [H] [[:|]] [:D]



  • LOL appassionata strings makes me giggle LOL

    i work in an 'appassionata string quartet' doing weddings, functions and general gigs around ireland.

    business has never been better ..


  • [quote=herb]I was looking for an additional attractive premium bonus for our Pro Edition users ...
    What do you think?

    Yeeeeesssss!!! Herb!

    To be honest when I upgraded from Pro to VI I was very dissapionted with the Sound of the Orch.Strings VLs. They haven´t improved i bit. And we all were expecting a warmer, expressive etc. sounding section with the release of VI anyway.
    So you know what to do...

    Best regards


  • I'm too lazy to read through the 18 pages but will this at least be for sale for those who aren't pro users? I'd kill for some good violin samples...but I can't afford to upgrade to pro edition.

  • Those who own Pro. Edition Strings and who update to the VI Orchestral Strings I.

  • Here's how I think it should be. [H] Those with pro edition get it for free, those with first edition stuff should be allowed to pay for these violins. It would be a nice gesture to someone like me that spent almost 3 thousand canadian on the first edition orchestral cube. [:)] Just a wish...

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    @ISM said:

    Here's how I think it should be. [H] Those with pro edition get it for free, those with first edition stuff should be allowed to pay for these violins. It would be a nice gesture to someone like me that spent almost 3 thousand canadian on the first edition orchestral cube. [:)] Just a wish...

    If I'm not mistaken I think Herb said they would eventually be sold as a separate library.

  • Oh ok.

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    @herb said:

    So we are able to offer real interval legato patches for many different articulations.
    Main focus is on two velocity variations, one in mp and one in mf. Here you will get performance legati with medium vibrato, heavy vibrato, progressive vibrato, variations with slightly out of tune notes (at the beginning) going into tune.
    There will also be a pp performance legato patch with strong vibrato, and a molto appasionate ff patch.



    Wow: This is some of the best news in sampling I've heard in a long while!

    Expression is the FIRST thing we demand from our musicians in real life acoustic performances. Yet it's been the last or most non-existant element we've had in sample libraries for so long.

    Congrats Herb on the wonderful VI library. I love how the demos are isolated patches / performances.