@herb said:
Recording sessions for the large violin section have already started.
We have changed the working title to Appasionata Violins, somebody mentioned here that "Appasionata" would be a better name tha "Epic", and that's right, because Appasionata is exactly what they are.
We also expanded the recording schedule to much more recording sessions, and we also developed a new modular performance-interval producing/mapping scheme.
So we are able to offer real interval legato patches for many different articulations.
Main focus is on two velocity variations, one in mp and one in mf. Here you will get performance legati with medium vibrato, heavy vibrato, progressive vibrato, variations with slightly out of tune notes (at the beginning) going into tune.
There will also be a pp performance legato patch with strong vibrato, and a molto appasionate ff patch.
I'm very, very happy with the results so far, and we try to offer you this stuff as fast as possible. Maybe we can upload first patches end of March.
Holy hell this sounds great. And this stuff will still be free for "Pros"?
My guess is your plans are to offer this one for free, and then release a new VI which include the cellos aswell? Would be nice!
Herb this really sounds extraordinary - thanks!