This sounds an excellent idea Herb. I would certainly be interested in a new legato instrument that had more than 2 dynamic levels, as the middle, warm vibrant sound is so hard to get with samples at the moment.
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@William said:
I feel this is the single most important thing - musically - that VSL can do. The only weakness it has in my opinion, in a purely musical sense (not technically), is the fact that the ensemble violins, in legato, alternate between a very dry, almost senza vibrato p, and a very loud f or portamento. And so there is NO lyrical legato for emotional, espressivo but NOT extremely loud violin lines.
(Sorry, was that just a bit overstated? I'll try and calm down now. Moving right along...)
If this current approach is merely expanded to huge, massive numbers, I don't think this would help that much. Most people don't need gigantically massive violin sections, but rather richer-sounding normal sections. "Romantic Strings" - that was the name talked about before, and it indicates the quality that is currently not really represented by any sample library.
Specifically, in legato, if the middle dynamic could be recorded - an mp, that was exactly like the espressivo quality of the regular horns and the Epic Horns in their mp legato - THIS WOULD BE TREMENDOUS! In other words, a very fluid, lyrical, delicate expressive legato. Not a dry, merely "connect-the-notes" type such as exists now in the p, but one in which you hear the beautiful singing note transitions with tiny audible differences in timing between the individual players that make for a lyrical legato string line. This would be not a portamento exactly, but halfway between portamento and legato.
Anything that enhanced this lyrical, espressivo side of string playing would be MORE USED THAN ANY OTHER SINGLE FEATURE OF THE LIBRARY.
@William said:
Yes, I am not against the bigger size at all, just wanted to emphasize that performance aspect. Excellent point by Rob Elliot about the Epic horns warmth.
Also, Tom bringing up John Barry - absolutely. He is THE master of "Epic Strings." That is funny, since I was just listening to "Walkabout" which has the most soaring violin melody ever done for film music, and "Lion in Winter." Not to mention "Somewhere in Time" not to mention... etc., etc. ,etc. If these strings were specifcally for playing John Barry music - that would nail it.