Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • 35% is NOT for the Cube ! ????

    There are many guys out in the forums quoting the price for the Cube as if the 35% discount applied to it.

    They way I read it is that the only "early bird" benefit for buying the cube now is that you get the organ set.

    Some clarification is needed.

    35% off applies to cube - yes or no.

    If you did a 35% of the cube for Pro Edition users I bet the griping about the VIP path would go away quickly.
    You'd have my credit card today if the Cube was 35% (yes, I am a pro edition owner).

  • I assumed it was... am I wrong? if so I am even less likely to buy...

  • 35% applies to the Pro Edition, if you want to Pro Edition now (it's our holiday discount for the Pro Editon)

    If you have aleady Pro Edition and you want to upgrade to the Symphonic Cube, you get 41% discount. (you pay 5420 instead of 9200 Euro)

    If you have Pro Edition and all upgrade related Horizon products you get 54% discount to upgrade to the Symphic Cube. (you pay 4220 Euro instead of 9200 Euro).

    These upgrade (VIP) prices to the SC don't have a time limitation.
    So if you buy Pro Edition now you pay 3400 Euro.
    If you upgrade any time later to the SC you get a discount of 3790 Euro.

    Hope my explanation is understanable?


  • Sounds a little tricky.


    What if you have just some Horizon products (Opus 1, Opus 2, Chamber and/or Solo strings)?

  • If you have Solo Strings you get the discount (415 Euro) if you buy the Solo Strings VI collection.
    If you have Opus 1/2 the discount is splitted to all related collections. In this case to all collections except Chamber Strings and Solo Strings.

    So you don't have to buy the complete Symphonic Cube. You can focus on certain collections, and you get your VIP discounts there.
    And further you have also the option to upgrade only to selected instruments. Maybe selecting only to the instruments which are included in Opus 1/2.


  • Thanks Herb, I understood that there will be some discounts.

    "Waiting for Godot" (i.e., a discount calculator named Godot).


  • It says on the first page (in the little orange banner) "35% OFF on all Sample Libraries through January 6, 2006"

    One might argue that if a product uses samples (as the VI's do) then it can indeed also be defined as a sample library. Perhaps it would be a good idea to remove that text or change it so it is more accurate?


  • Thanks for the hint.


  • Officially, the Cube isn't released until after 6th January 2006 when the discounts no longer apply....but I do see what you're saying.


  • Herb, I bought only the Performance Set and the Horizon French Oboe
    Will I be able to get a discount for the VSL instruments ?

    Thanks for your answer

  • Herb,

    With all due respect - you continue to "miss" the point that VSL user that has been with you from the beginning and bought the full pro edition, will end up paying more than a brand new buyer.
    You fail to figure in our existing large investment.

    And the samples in the standard VI are mostly the same samples from the Pro Edition. A higher bit rate DOES NOT make them "new" samples.

    It also continues to confuse people when you state "41% off" and don't explain that the 41% is ONLY on the extended samples. There is Zero VIP discount on the Standard VI.

    As a Long time VSL owner and as a early adopter and evangelist for VSL - I am indeed disappointed in the VIP upgrade path currently offered.

  • Ed, I see your point.

    But to keep a full "First Day investement Discount" would mean that the full version of the Symphonic Cube would cost more than 15.000 €.

    Or a different hypthetical scenario: if we wouldn't have produced any new samples and the new developed software consists only of reedited Pro Edition sample stuff.
    And we would sell this package for 3500 Euro.
    It would not be possible to keep 100% of your investement, even if we give it away for cero Euro to our Pro Edition users.


  • Herb,
    Thanks for you patient replies.

    I see your point also. And I don't think the current VIP offering is TOO far off the mark.
    But its far enough that ill will is occuring.
    Up till now VSL is one of the few companies that I felt good about investing in.

    Perhaps you can come up with some additional benefit for you current pro edition owners.

  • Thanks a lot Ed,

    it's a fact that our loyal customers enabled the developement of the Vienna Instruments, and I really would like to see everybody happy. But I also have to find the right business decisions to keep VSL up and running.

    The most effective and simplest thing for us to honorate our customers is to offer free downloads. We are producing a lot of new stuff and we will continue the policy of free downloads in the future.


  • Herb,
    You may also want to reconsider an addition VIP benefit for a few other reasons.


    Your VI is going to have issues. All VI's have issues. But no VI in history will have cost as much as yours.

    Your long time loyal users will be indespensible in working out various bugs and issues. If your long time user base is happy ..... you will get helpful feedback.
    But I fear that if the first owners of the VI are NEW users and some disgruntled VIP'ers - Flamers will be all over you in the forums for ANY bugs or problems.

    Good will goes a long way and earns a great deal of patients when it comes to these issues.

    Your early users saved you thousands of tech support hours as they helped people learn the rep tool and the perf leg tool.
    Web forums were active with your early evangelists helping newbies wrap their heads around those concepts and tech issues.

    You are going to need your early evangelists even MORE with this powerful yet compicated VI.
    Plus East West QLSO is likely to have an anouncement eeerily similair to your VI at namm ..... (may not be available for a year but I can picture the announcement [:D] ) . Again your early user base needs to still love you as you make this transition.

    Just a thought.

    And by the way .... we are posting here out of love.
    We love VSL. We care. We have invested heavily.
    Please hear our upstetment for what it is...... long time users feeling abandoned.

  • ed .. you speak far more wisely than i ever could.. thanks for setting them down on "paper" so well

    please .. VSL .. listen to the sense .. do the right thing.. a lot of loyal user base could be walking the other way otherwise

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    @edhamilton said:

    You are going to need your early evangelists even MORE with this powerful yet compicated VI.
    Plus East West QLSO is likely to have an anouncement eeerily similair to your VI at namm ..... (may not be available for a year but I can picture the announcement [:D] ) .

    It's probably bad form to quote myself .....
    But Doug just informally made reference to ewqlso phase three .........

    I am still hoping VSL reconsiders and makes sidegrading to the VI a no brainer for its long time supporters.

  • Yes, I'm afraid that after buying all of Pro Edition and Performance Set, it's impossible for me to think of spending...what...6000 or something more for the convenience of loading it as a plug in. It is not as if it's a new sample library...correct or no?

    This will remain a niche buy for most....either lawyers or doctors, or other professionals making far more than I.

    Or people who haven't really discovered the joys of paying off a credit card....forever.

    I really have to believe that the Cube owners needed, and deserved, a bigger break than this.

    Priced out of my range.


  • Is VSL just going to keep upping the amount? SC2 costing double of SC? Seeing how the VIP isn't quite the way it use to be, you have to wonder how few (note not many) there will be to buy another "add on"..... [:'(] . VSL is the best but I don't know how I can keep with their excellence...Perhaps they are too good for us humans [:P] .

  • Thank you Ed you speak for me also.