Whatever stupendous product is coming on Nov. 26 will undoubtedly cost a pretty chunk of change. If you'd like a shot at winning $1,200 to help pay for it, please consider entering the First Annual Fauxharmonic Orchestral Composition Contest.
Site: http://www.fauxharmonic.com
Contest Poster (PDF): http://www.fauxharmonic.com/contest_poster.pdf
There are no restrictions regarding the age, nationality, state of residence or gender of the applicant.
Standard orchestra or smaller (3333, 4331, timpani, percussion, keyboard, harp, and strings). Condensed scores or sketches and scores that include soloists or extra instruments will not be considered.
Compositions should not exceed 12 minutes in duration.
Send one full score with an optional corresponding cassette tape or compact disc recording of the work (MIDI realizations are acceptable).
The composer’s name must not appear on any of the submission materials.
A sealed, unmarked envelope containing the composer’s name, address, phone number and email address must be attached to the score.
There is a non-refundable entry fee of US$20 per composition entered. Make checks or international money orders payable to:
The Fauxharmonic Orchestra LLC
Applications must be received by
March 1, 2006
A panel of judges will be chosen by The Fauxharmonic Orchestra. Each judge will be a performing instrumentalist, conductor, or composer, and each will evaluate all scores separately and without knowing who composed the work. Judges will forward selected compositions to the conductor of The Fauxharmonic Orchestra, who will make the final decision. The judges will not provide entrants with written or verbal commentary.
Where to Send Submissions
The Fauxharmonic Orchestra
800 Ridge Road
Hamden, CT 06517
Please email me with any questions ... and good luck!
- Paul Smith
Site: http://www.fauxharmonic.com
Contest Poster (PDF): http://www.fauxharmonic.com/contest_poster.pdf
There are no restrictions regarding the age, nationality, state of residence or gender of the applicant.
Standard orchestra or smaller (3333, 4331, timpani, percussion, keyboard, harp, and strings). Condensed scores or sketches and scores that include soloists or extra instruments will not be considered.
Compositions should not exceed 12 minutes in duration.
Send one full score with an optional corresponding cassette tape or compact disc recording of the work (MIDI realizations are acceptable).
The composer’s name must not appear on any of the submission materials.
A sealed, unmarked envelope containing the composer’s name, address, phone number and email address must be attached to the score.
There is a non-refundable entry fee of US$20 per composition entered. Make checks or international money orders payable to:
The Fauxharmonic Orchestra LLC
Applications must be received by
March 1, 2006
A panel of judges will be chosen by The Fauxharmonic Orchestra. Each judge will be a performing instrumentalist, conductor, or composer, and each will evaluate all scores separately and without knowing who composed the work. Judges will forward selected compositions to the conductor of The Fauxharmonic Orchestra, who will make the final decision. The judges will not provide entrants with written or verbal commentary.
Where to Send Submissions
The Fauxharmonic Orchestra
800 Ridge Road
Hamden, CT 06517
Please email me with any questions ... and good luck!
- Paul Smith