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    @Christian Marcussen said:

    The thought of a 25600 price tag scares me

    Surely none of these teaser figures can relate to any price whatsoever. There wouldn't be any sense in it since there are 3 main currencies...

    @PaulR: £6k? Insider information or speculation?

  • Well I haven't guessed wrong yet as I spotted what looked like a graphic representation of convolution on the main page and thought it was MIR - promptly announced the next day. All that is to say that any numeric figure shown is not a monetary one but perhaps computational in nature: MIR again?

    VSL is too classy to shout some large monetary figure in it's presentation. When's the last time a salesman hit you with the price-tag of an expensive item before he told you what the heck it does?

  • I'm sure what ever the VSL people will come up with will be great! But maybe it would be wiser not to get your expectations up too case it's not that... [:'(] I will be thrilled with just the VSL choir, [:D] the rest for me will be a bonus or bonuses!

  • Guy, I am with you on the Choir...I really am eager to see what VSL will do. Any chance the choir will be in the Cube?

  • My guess is that it's a new proprietary 24 bit Kontakt Interface using K2's scripting for the performance instruments. This would certainly allow for stacking. And copyright protection.

    If not then it's all just Release 'TALES'.

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    @Christian Marcussen said:

    How did you come to that understanding? Isen't £6000 around twice the Pro Ed price?

    It's just gone up to £7000 - market rises and inflation figures just came through. It's understandable though.

  • Hehe...

    Interesting speculations going on in this thread.

    I'm not going to say much about it (since we'll know for certain what is what anyways in a couple of days), except that I'd be very surprised if the numbers presented in the flash teasers have anything to do with pricing.

    Seems more likely to me that the numbers have some sort of technical meaning (i.e. number of samples, IR's or something like that).

    Just my 2 "speculative" cents. [:P]



  • Indeed... I dont think it has anything to do with pricing either.

    Paul? You make it sound like your guessing is more than mear guesses. Is that the case?

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    @Christian Marcussen said:

    Paul? You make it sound like your guessing is more than mear guesses. Is that the case?

    He's winding us all up I think... [[;)]]

  • Bastard [;)] ... like we aren't winded up enough! [:D]

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    @Christian Marcussen said:

    Bastard [;)] ... like we aren't winded up enough! [:D]

    No, not at all.

    I shouldn't really say this and will probably get into trouble but since I'm very fond of you two lads.....

    What happened was - I flew into Vienna a couple of days ago and just got back last night. I had a working lunch with Herb, Christian and Dietz. They called me in on a consultative basis - this is one of my expertise btw - and we all decided that the £7000 mark was the way to go.

    All except for residents of Denmark and Scotland - the price has unfortunately been raised to 8000 sterling for you guys - whatever that is pfennigs - I don't know - but you could pretend to be from England I suppose - difficult though, with names like Christian and Irvin - bit of a giveaway. Anyway, I'll see what I can do.

    Hope this helps.

  • My guess is that the price will be lower than most people here seem to anticipate. The orchestral sampling market is very crowded these days and most people can't afford $10000 libraries no matter how good they are. You can get a good orchestral library for $300 and a couple of excellent libraries for $2000 which wasn't the case when the VSL Pro Edition was released. My guess is that they lower the price of Pro Edition and give a somewhat affordable price tag for the new Cube. Now is the right time to lower the price of the PE as the PE users can be kept happy with a fair upgrade price to the Cube.

    Or they give it a $10000 price tag. [8-)]

  • Did Denmark and Scotland qualify for the World Cup btw?


    Not to worry.


  • [[:D]] [:P] [[:D]]

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    @PaulR said:

    and we all decided that the £7000 mark was the way to go.

    All except for residents of Denmark and Scotland - the price has unfortunately been raised to 8000 sterling for you guys

    Ha ha ha, tres funny... [:D]

    Still don't believe you, but if it is £7k it must be a spectacular product. Extremely spectacular indeed. If it's not, I don't see many people shelling out that kind of dosh. It's cheap for people who would otherwise hire orchestras, but very very expensive for home/project studio types. If you make your living from purely orchestral work, then it'll be worth it, but if not....

    I know of one Hollywood composer (name withheld) who uses the competition's products because of the difficulty in using VSL, even though he (or she..?) owns both.

  • [/quote]I know of one Hollywood composer (name withheld) who uses the competition's products because of the difficulty in using VSL, even though he (or she..?) owns both.[/quote]

    There's too much emphasis put on orchestral work these days. You don't want to worry yourself about what others say that they find easy or difficult. That's their problem right? They don't pay your mortgage or bills.

    Remember, these things can eventually become bite sized chunks and you go for what you need. Look at Epic Horns for example. I agree that something might need to change with Repetition and Alternation because it is not built for speedy, intuitive writing for most of us - although some have no problems.

    The biggest problem for writers today using sample libraries - and VSL is the the best out there, have no doubt - excluding things like Ra, Stormdrum, Stylus etc - is the string sound - make no mistake about it. There is not one library out there currently that can get that silky, soaring, resonant live string sound as yet. Sampled strings can sound just fine when 'out' of the mix - they get somehow distorted when in with the rest of everything else that's going on.

    When that gets solved - it's an unfortunate step down the road for live ensembles - but we're years away from that, so you have to cope with what's available- including 3 days time.

    It's difficult waiting for things when you're young. [:D] [:P]

  • I couldn't agree more on the strings - nothing reeks 'samples' more than when strings start to play (especially high pitched segments). Whoever comes up with the 'silky soaring sound' - in the context of a mix will make a lot of money. Here's to hoping that it will eventually be VSL [:D]


  • Isn't it possible that the "silky sound" is more of an acoustic effect of the room, and thus potentially solved by MIR? In which case, I'm guessing we're going to see VSL making "a lot of money" in 3 days! Mind you, considering what little we know about MIR, it wouldn't necessarily help with a "tutti" sampled string section, but would rather be better suited to a bunch of independently sampled solo instruments. Anyway, I'm sure VSL is probably thinking that MIR will be the closest and best solution to the "silky" issue...


  • I agree that the strings, particularly the violins, are the hardest part of the sampled orchestra to get right. I'm not sure if getting new samples, plugging them in, and presto they're perfect, is going to happen. Not that new ones are unnecessary. I particularly feel that mp/mf espressivo dynamic - especially in legato - is a gap in anybody's current string representation. If VSL added portamento in a soft dynamic and an mp lyrical espressivo it would be the most signficant event in the history of mankind as everyone here knows.

    But despite that, the violins are many intruments playing at once, and a sampled section is one (at a time). I am convinced this has something to do with it - a loss of the sense of multiple instruments in the samples. Also, the timbre is affected in the mix by the mere presence of other instruments, unlike a live orchestra, which if you have conducted or played in one, you always notice sounds richer and richer the more instruments play, and you can still feel the size and spaciousness of the strings. But with sampled strings, they sound thinner and thiner the more other instruments play. So this is a phenomenon of the mix, since if you listen to them straight out of the box with nothing else playing they sound fabulous. There is a third element and this is noticeable in the demos, many of which sound very rich and full: orchestration which uses the strings in a characteristic manner. If you score a thin little piano line for sampled violins it is going to sound like a thin little piano line for sampled violins. On doing the Vaughn Williams demo, I noticed that VW's scoring for the strings is so contrapuntal and full in how one group supports and accentuates another that it automatically made the strings sound much fuller. (I didn't have to do a thing for that - just play in the brilliant music and it happens instantly.) Though I also noticed some of the same thinness cropping up in the mix nevertheless which I tried to combat. Jay Bacall has probably done as much with this as anyone and could offer many suggestions. Perhaps another thread should address this.

    O.K., sorry to go off topic.


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    @William said:

    I agree that the strings, particularly the violins, are the hardest part of the sampled orchestra to get right. I'm not sure if getting new samples, plugging them in, and presto they're perfect, is going to happen. Not that new ones are unnecessary. I particularly feel that mp/mf espressivo dynamic - especially in legato - is a gap in anybody's current string representation.

    This is something that I fully agree with. I find that there is too much of a timbral difference between f and p legato samples. Now that we have the Modwheel crossfade, it would be great to have a middle dynamic.


    PS, I've spent most of my life off topic, so I'm not going to change now [H]