Ah, Choral Society!
That's different. The situation in the UK is not the same as here in the US. Yes, there are choral societies here, and in larger cities you can raise a good sized group, but even so, some of those groups would range from 30 - 60, or possibly a 100 or more depending on the situation.
For me, without numeric definition, a full choir would be a group large enough to execute all parts with clarity and gusto. If you could field 8 competent singers per voice (SATB) that would be an amazing opportunity.
Really, Dave, we should drop the word "full" and change it to small, medium, large, very large, and quite possibly, WHOA! And then define by those descriptions.
Regardless of recorded size, for me, the benchmark is can a sampled choir perform a Bach chorale at tempo, and pieces by Palestrina.
That's different. The situation in the UK is not the same as here in the US. Yes, there are choral societies here, and in larger cities you can raise a good sized group, but even so, some of those groups would range from 30 - 60, or possibly a 100 or more depending on the situation.
For me, without numeric definition, a full choir would be a group large enough to execute all parts with clarity and gusto. If you could field 8 competent singers per voice (SATB) that would be an amazing opportunity.
Really, Dave, we should drop the word "full" and change it to small, medium, large, very large, and quite possibly, WHOA! And then define by those descriptions.
Regardless of recorded size, for me, the benchmark is can a sampled choir perform a Bach chorale at tempo, and pieces by Palestrina.