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  • DG, you're leaving out the main reasons: using a Mac automatically makes you a more adequate human being and improves your music.


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    @hetoreyn said:

    Yeah.... But half of us USE macs with the VSL.

    Sorry my dear hetoreyn I don't want to hit you more [[;)]] .
    But I've checked out my tutorial's visitor statistics.
    And that's what I got:">

    If you want to checkout the statistics yourself:
    Click on the Tutorial you want.
    > Go to the end of it.
    > Click on the counter's "STAT"
    > Click on "Platform statistics"

    Beat Kaufmann

    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • I'll do the honours and ask the simple questions as i'm big on writing music and books, and less enthusiastic about learning programming.

    Question 1.
    If i have MIR do I need Altiverb?

    Question 2.
    Even i understand that nowadays you can wire Macs and PC's together without too many hardships. Is it possible to run a sequencer on mac (Logic, unitl i get something better. I have Cubase for mac, but i can't use EXS24 inst with that), and run the Siganl out to MIR? Does this mean the end signal will have to come back to mac?

    Question 3.
    I've never used Giga, and given the comments on this forum, I'm , shall we say, cautious at even thinking about it. But, Apple are making me nervous with the multiple changes going on, and i'm not sure they're fully prepared for the processor bit, going on forum news i've read recently.
    Will MIR run within Cubase with 'giga' samples?

    Question 5.
    Beat is a man of my way of thinking, using facts not speculation to make his point. As many of you write for film, something i'm getting more interested in, what's the general percentages of use using PC over Mac?

    Question 6.
    CM, you called yourself a tiny company. Given the quality of the products, and a wise refusal to be drawn into pre releasing too much info about MIR before it's ready, can i then assume for the future, that a MIR for Mac is also on hold while you, like the rest of us, wait to see what Apple's going to do next?

    Question 7.
    I'm not particularly loyal to Mac or PC one way or the other, i'd just like something i can use without too much hassle that won't blue screen me into suicide before my allotted days on this planet of ours are up.
    Is it possible in the future that VSL will think about a dedicated notation/sequencer that is custom built to use those wonderful samples, and load all the goodies as well? (I refer to MIR and anything else you have up your sleeves.) And which platform will get the running first?

    Question 8.
    Referring to Giga (something i know nothing about), and as i said some of the comments here about memory, etc., is it possible when you release MIR, that you think about a manual for computer dummies like me, that explains how to bolt everything together? (Giga/Cubase/MIR/Performance Tool/Articulation Tool/Washing Machine/Hair Dryer etc.)

    Question 9.
    No doubt you're going to get a lot of questions from many, with childish emotional responses thrown in from the usual villains. I won't add the pile, so last question coming up.
    I've commented before about Sibelius's inability to keep up with latest developments, particularly getting a direct midi signal from notation to sequencer without using half a space station to make it happen.
    If anyone's using Sibelius (PC) and has a success with this, how easy was it, and what's involved? I've got some important decisions to make, and some info would be useful.

    My regards to you all,


  • so, i wanted to buy a g5 2,7 dual and now, i don't know what to do and my g4 400
    is not enought to opus 1,2 so, i wait to the next year and i can't work

    i feel good !

  • if what you mean is that whe can work on apple and must have a pc connected for Mir, please give to me a private message, then i will buy altiverb because i can't buy 2 computor and it is no use i wait the next year for working

    thank you for your request

    thierry ecuvilon

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    @thierry.ecuvillon said:

    if what you mean is that whe can work on apple and must have a pc connected for Mir, please give to me a private message, then i will buy altiverb because i can't buy 2 computor and it is no use i wait the next year for working

    thank you for your request

    thierry ecuvilon

    I would get AltiVerb, not least because it has been stated that MIR is not likely to surface until next year anyway.

    I'm sure that it has also been stated that MIR is likely to be a standalone "box", so this PC vs Mac thing may well be irrelevant.


  • Okay, thanks all.

    I expected to get an earful from everyone... usually happens when I give my opinion.... but as you say I've misunderstood CM's earlier post, reading into it that only PC's would have MIR.

    I'm still hoping that MIR will be available for my mac, and certainly be usable in logic. I have a PC but I'm unsure about how I could use the MIR on that whilst interfacing that with the Mac. After all... I can only run the CSL in logic. I guess we'll have to wait until MIR comes out and see just how it works. I understand the serious amount of CPU cycles that it will take up, but if things can be done offline then it's not really an issue.

    Well again thanks for not blasting my ear off, and cheers for the clarification.


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    @hetoreyn said:

    Okay, thanks all.

    I expected to get an earful from everyone... usually happens when I give my opinion.... but as you say I've misunderstood CM's earlier post, reading into it that only PC's would have MIR.

    I'm still hoping that MIR will be available for my mac, and certainly be usable in logic. I have a PC but I'm unsure about how I could use the MIR on that whilst interfacing that with the Mac. After all... I can only run the CSL in logic. I guess we'll have to wait until MIR comes out and see just how it works. I understand the serious amount of CPU cycles that it will take up, but if things can be done offline then it's not really an issue.

    Well again thanks for not blasting my ear off, and cheers for the clarification.


    I think that what is being said is that MIR will not be a plugin for either Mac or PC, but a standalone unit. I hope that VSL will step in here and correct me if I'm wrong. However, if I'm correct, it makes no difference to you what the operating system is; remember those AKAI samplers were all PC (after a fashion), yet I know of many Mac users who were none the wiser [H]


  • Think of the MIR as a new form of mixing console. It will _not_ be your next "reverb plugin", so the OS-discussion is futile. And yes, you will want to use a dedicated computer for this engine [;)] ... sorry, Thierry, but in your scenario you will need to use AltiVerb.


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Dietz said:

    Think of the MIR as a new form of mixing console. It will _not_ be your next "reverb plugin", so the OS-discussion is futile. And yes, you will want to use a dedicated computer for this engine [;)] ... sorry, Thierry, but in your scenario you will need to use AltiVerb.


    So Dietz

    Like Alex, who made some good questions for the technically challenged like me - if you're running a Mac with say Logic, presumably you can link a stand alone PC to this easily to make MIR work? Is this right?
    And will MIR be really for orchestral work only - or like Altiverb, be usable for any sound application, ie is it really a dedicated reverb for VSL samples only?

    Is there going to be a ram issue with this because it's a PC platform?

    Please elucidate. [:D]

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    @PaulR said:

    So Dietz

    Like Alex, who made some good questions for the technically challenged like me - if you're running a Mac with say Logic, presumably you can link a stand alone PC to this easily to make MIR work? Is this right?
    And will MIR be really for orchestral work only - or like Altiverb, be usable for any sound application, ie is it really a dedicated reverb for VSL samples only?

    Is there going to be a ram issue with this because it's a PC platform?

    Please elucidate. [:D]

    I'll try to elucidate ;-D

    Yes, your assumption is right that you should be able to link from Logic to the MIR-engine, for example. This is one of our main issues at the moment.

    I can't say if the MIR is "only" for orchestral work - but yes, it is meant to be used to its full extent with our samples only, as they will be "known" by the MIR: its engine will be able to choose the proper (and unique) settings to process them. This is especially important for positioning-cues and the directivity of the instruments themselves, as well as other, more sophisticated sonic aspects.

    Of course, you will be able to feed _any_ signal into the MIR to a certain amount, but it's obvious that in this case the MIR will react more or less like an "ordinary", first-class convolution reverb (although still with more elaborated positioning options) and audio-mixer.

    ... please understand that I can't (and won't) give you a preliminary manual, so to speak. Later this year many related questions will be answered, and the concept will be much clearer then. Thank you.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Please excuse my ignorance: if I purchase, say, Opus 1 & 2, will they still be viable with the release of the MIR engine or will they, in fact, be redundant?

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    @jamriding said:

    Please excuse my ignorance: if I purchase, say, Opus 1 & 2, will they still be viable with the release of the MIR engine or will they, in fact, be redundant?

    Based on the contents of this thread they of course will be perfectly viable if my understanding is correct.

    MIR will have to be a stand alone application in a seperate computer and will not effect composition and sample use as I see it.

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    @PaulR said:

    [...] MIR will have to be a stand alone application in a seperate computer and will not effect composition and sample use as I see it.

    That's it, in a nutshell.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @PaulR said:

    [...] MIR will have to be a stand alone application in a seperate computer and will not effect composition and sample use as I see it.

    That's it, in a nutshell.

    Goodness Deitz - did I finally get something technical right?

    I feel really proud now.


  • Although i do like Mac as a program to use, and i don't miss the Blue screen suicide, i can see the practical sense in PC first, given the ease in today's world of coupling different os based computers together.
    Justifying an extra whizz bang Mac with all the bells and whistles, and the associated cost, would be harder to do than buying a modestly priced PC to carry Mir and other effect programs alone, particularly with the uncertainty of how the new intel macs will perform.



  • Paul,
    I find it offensive you think you're the only technically challenged chap here.
    After all the simplistic posts i submitted showing my continual ignorance in program matters, still you grasp for the crown.

    Move over. There's two of us!


    Alex. [[:|]]

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    @hermitage59 said:

    I find it offensive you think you're the only technically challenged chap here.
    After all the simplistic posts i submitted showing my continual ignorance in program matters, still you grasp for the crown.

    Move over. There's two of us!


    Alex. [[[:|]]]

    No - I won't have that Alex. I'm Spartacus - there can be only one. And I have proved it on numerous occasions - through (apparent) deliberately loony technical questions and offering bribes.

    Once, I rang up a really swanky computer company that dealt in massive systems for major FTSE 100 companies and asked to speak to the managing director as a matter of urgency.

    When finally put through - I asked him what and where I needed to put a cable to enable me to print letters. My secretary was on holiday at the time.

    Beat that!

    He was very polite and understanding actually - after he realised he was dealing with not so much a human - more a genetic flaw.

    I once had to ask Evan Evans what a sound card was - that's all true - but I don't care because that's the cards I was dealt with.

    [[[:|]]] [:O]ops: [:D]

  • So what's a sound card?
    Does it improve the volume on your mobile phone?


    Move over Spartacus.

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    @hermitage59 said:

    So what's a sound card?

    I've already forgotten.


    You can't win. I'm off to smash golf balls down the range now - before Dietz loses his patience.
