@rawmusic said:
...and have you actually heard his mock ups, or are you basing your sweeping dismissal on other peoples' opinions?
I would say your opening line above is fairly arrogant. Don't get arrogance mixed up with knowledge. Your knowledge thus far to me - is like a fly landing on my shoulder that is merely brushed away - no animosity - one simply just brushes it away.
There are about 5 people on this board that have opinions, that while either coinciding, or colliding with mine - I will have discussion with, regarding filmscores - you will not at this point be one them because you need to differentiate between personal taste and intellectual objectivity. This comes with time, knowledge and the ability to link images and scoring, and therefore the effectiveness of the whole.
When it comes to computer technology and stuff like that - I am at the bottom of the ladder - I have to pay people to do all that kind of thing for me. I recognise this perfectly well and the longer members of this board are well aware of that.
Don't take me on with drivel - I have to time or patience with drivel.